Articles (PDFs)

We recommend the following free articles (for now these are all PDFs), which can be read on your computer or printed out. We have many more free PDFs to share which will be gradually published. 

Related Traditions:     Related Teachers:

  • I Am Unborn – Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    I Am Unborn – Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj  is compiled by Vijayendra Deshpande and edited by Pradeep Apte. It is the product of the notes, taken by Damodar Lund (a disciple of Maharaj), during the satsangs at Maharaj’s residence.

  • The Complete I AM Quotes of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    The complete ‘I am’ quotes of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, is compiled by Pradeep Apte from the following 10 books. These books cover almost all the recorded dialogues of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

    1. I Am That edited by Maurice Frydman
    2. Seeds of Consciousness edited by Jean Dunn
    3. Prior to Consciousness edited by Jean Dunn
    4. Consciousness and the Absolute edited by Jean Dunn
    5. The Experience of Nothingness edited by Robert Powell
    6. The Nectar of Immortality edited by Robert Powell
    7. The Ultimate Medicine edited by Robert Powell
    8. Beyond Freedom edited by Maria Jory
    9. I am Unborn edited by Pradeep Apte
    10. Gleanings from Nisargadatta edited by Mark West

    We are able to offer this PDF for free download courtesy of Pradeep Apte.

  • The discipline of disappearance

    An article compiled by Pradeep Apte about Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s cardinal question in self-inquiry : What were you before you were born?

  • The Nisargadatta Gita

    The Nisargadatta Gita consists of 231 condensed quotes of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj along with a short commentary on each quote. These 231 quotes have been taken from a collection of 572 quotes from “The Complete I AM Quotes of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.”

  • The Unborn Nisargadatta

    Pradeep Apte offers a series of verses regarding, Nisargadatta Maharaj. 

    “The words you are about to read have the potential to take you to the highest possible level of your being. At this level everything is apparently the same except that you wouldn’t be there. Any descriptions of this level are well nigh impossible; all that I say is that you disappear! Are you prepared to disappear?”  from the Preface

    This PDF was generously given to Stillness Speaks by Pradeep Apte.



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