beyond knowledge: “… It is not important to understand these words, but it is essential to live with the feeling they evoke. In living with their invocation, an inner ripeness grows. This maturity brings us to discover our silent being which is beyond knowledge …” ~ Jean Klein
This silent being – that’s beyond knowledge – is a key to meeting our everyday challenges (with balance and equanimity) … and one of the most troubling, sad, and unfortunate challenge of our times is … the seemingly growing trend of divisiveness and hatred …
How do we meet this challenge? … and help dissolve divisiveness and hatred …
A possible (& natural) answer from our silent being would be love … but …
We also know that in bringing forth love; we encounter typical words like: “… I find it much easier to unconditionally love nature and animals than human beings, except very young children, because animals and nature and very young children are innocent and not devious like human beings …”
So, how do we solve this dilemma?
Turns out the above italicized common words are part of a question asked of Jean Klein in one of his gatherings “… in Sounion, Greece, and London, England, in 1992 and 1993 …”. … the transcripts of which are offered in his book Beyond Knowledge … and …
We have been reviewing many such gatherings to explore Jean’s answers to similar questions – that are practical everyday concerns. Like Beyond Knowledge, these gatherings are available as a series of his books … all of which we are previewing – via chapter excerpts with our preambles – on an ongoing basis:
… starting with his classic Book of Listening … in a 5-part series … and
… then Living Truth which is ongoing with 2-parts so far … and
… and, more recently Who Am I … which is also ongoing with 2-parts so far …
So, today, we start another multi-part series focusing on Beyond Knowledge … where part 1 covers questions related with the theme how do we love the other (whoever the “other” is) :
… I find it much easier to unconditionally love nature and animals than human beings, except very young children, because animals and nature and very young children are innocent and not devious like human beings. Can you comment?
… Should one try to love one’s neighbor as Christianity preaches?
… How can I get beyond all the unlovable things in the personality to come to what is most lovable?
… and more …
{All italicized text below is from Beyond Knowledge by Jean Klein and is published here with the publisher New Sarum Press‘ generous permission.}
“… Silence … is fullness, completeness. There is nothing to add or take away. It is ultimate contentment. … You discover your own splendor and yourself in it …”
Beyond Knowledge: How To Truly Love The Other?
Q. A little while ago you said that “the love you have for nature, for human beings, has never changed.” I find it much easier to unconditionally love nature and animals than human beings, except very young children, because animals and nature and very young children are innocent and not devious like human beings. Can you comment?
A. It is true that it takes more maturity to love human beings, to know that they are one with you.
Q. But that is an intellectual fact for me. It does not change the heart. Should one try to love one’s neighbor as Christianity preaches?
A. Find out in your silence what you love in you. When this love is really alive you will feel it in others because it is not personal, it is an essence in common with all human beings.
Q. How can I get beyond all the unlovable things in the personality to come to what is most lovable?
A. First you must believe what I say to you, that you are lovable. Then, like a scientist, follow my advice, the same advice that I followed to know that you are lovable! Discover that you are not your body, senses and mind, but something beyond. When you have inquired into the body, senses and mind, there comes a point when there is no more to inquiry and you feel yourself directionless, at a living point from which all direction flows. You will find yourself in identity with it. It remembers you from time to time. Be this moment. It is without object, without any quality. It will be your companion all your life.
Q. Dr. Klein, I would really like to love myself, but the self that I know now is the image that I have. So how can I get to know the real self, so that I can love it?
A. The real self is free from all representation, it is not objective. It is your nearest. You can find it in your stillness, in your openness. If you make it an object, you make a state of it. Our nearest is permanent, it is constant.
Stay tuned for more … Jean Klein’s teachings from Beyond Knowledge …
All italicized text above (except otherwise noted) is from Beyond Knowledge by Jean Klein and is published here with the publisher New Sarum Press‘ generous permission.
And, may you … find what you love in your silence … in your everyday life … and …
May you remain safe and healthy.