in-depth book previews with chapter excerpts
Beyond Desire To Permanent Well-Being? Be Who You Are Klein
“… Of all of God’s creations his greatest creation was that of stillness …” ~ Meister Eckhart
What: Both Eloquent & Benefits Humanity? Teaching Ramana Maharshi
“… Our nature is silence and this silence is freedom …” ~ Papaji
True? Spirituality & Evolution To A More Inclusive Future? Wilber
“… There is indeed a new dawn … a new horizon altogether—and it exists … in the texture of this very you, unfolding timelessly, eternally. …” ~ Ken Wilber
How To Rest & Look Within? Pause, Rest, & Be, Octavia Raheem
“… have the courage to pause sometimes. To rest and look within. To be still and know that you are not lost …” ~ Octavia Raheem
Thich Nhat Hanh: Can We Train For Happiness? Your True Home
“… Your True Home is in the here and the now. It is not limited by time, space, nationality, or race …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Isness Of Life: Is It “Findable?” Power & Gift Zen Tao
“… The miraculous is in the ordinary …” ~ Trevor Rufli
Beyond Knowledge Jean Klein: How To Truly Love The Other?
“… This maturity brings us to discover our silent being which is beyond knowledge …” ~ Jean Klein
Can We Rest … To Clarity? Summary Of Existence Darryl Bailey
“… If we are without direction, we can withdraw to solitude and our deepest urges and intuitions will push themselves forward to reveal our next step. …” ~ Darryl Bailey
Purity: Why Saints Love Everyone? The Rumi Collection Helminski
“… Love everybody so that you may always stay among the flowers of the garden …” ~ Rumi
Kabir: Real Gift Of Trust? Painting From Love Palette Crowe
“… God … may best be found in the here-and-now: in the normal …” ~ Songs of Kabir
Jean Klein’s Invitation To Silence: The Daily Real Ease Of Being?
“… This moment, when you are free from the reflex to be somebody is the highest opportunity to be still …” ~ Jean Klein
True? Daily Life IS Reality. Become What You Are: Alan Watts
“… Everyday life is the Tao …” ~ Alan Watts
Gift Of Quiet Moments? Klein’s Being In Meditation & Real Nature
“… It is like being alone in the desert. At first you listen to the absence of sounds and you call it silence. Then suddenly you may be taken by the presence of stillness where you are one with listening itself …” ~ Jean Klein
Can We Walk With The Tao? Zen Reveals Tao Gift
“… we all want to walk with the Tao …” ~ Trevor Rufli
Accepting & Dissolving Into The Invitation To Silence? Jean Klein
“… accept the possibility that your real nature is tranquillity, silence …” …&… “… It is vital to live… in oneness with the moment where thought dissolves in silence…” ~ Jean Klein
Gift Of Walking On The Wheel? Become What You Are: Alan Watts
“… Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal …” ~ Alan Watts
Thich Nhat Hanh: Gift Of Deep Listening? You Are Here
deep listening: “… Everything you are seeking, you should seek in the present moment …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Why Silence? And Its Gift: Invitation to Silence, Jean Klein
“… In this observing is the total absence of yourself. It is your real presence …” ~ Jean Klein
Can Kindness Meditation Overpower The Daily Spin? Devon Nico Hase
kindness meditation: “… {can help} build a heart of kindness and then extend that to others … ” … “… {is} more than just calming the mind. It’s also about cultivating an atmosphere of warmth and positive regard—for yourself, for others …” ~ nico (& devon) hase
Acceptance & Surrender: Why & Their Gifts: Who Am I Jean Klein
“… In the openness that is inherent in our nature there is no one who accepts … acceptance or surrender is … active in that one remains supremely awake and alert, ready for what presents itself. This silence is simply waiting without the anxiety of waiting and in this openness the highest intelligence operates. …” ~ Jean Klein
Illusion Of Self: Why Remove It? Power & Gift Zen Tao
“… You do not have to go anywhere or look anywhere to find it. It is so close that you keep missing it. There is no distance between you and the Tao whatsoever …” ~ Trevor Rufli
Passion For God? The Rumi Collection: Harvey & Helminski
“… The radiance of consciousness-bliss, in the form of one awareness shining equally within and without, is the supreme and blissful primal reality. Its form is silence …” ~ Ramana Maharshi
Unlock Living Power Of Seeing Clearly? Illumination Rebecca Li
“… The mind becomes still as we are no longer agitating the mind with habitual reactivity to the present moment. With this clarity and stillness, we are more able to see that in every moment there is a choice for us to not perpetuate the habit of suffering. …” ~ Rebecca Li
Fear, Habitual Thoughts To Freedom? Mindfulness By Oren Jay Sofer
“… Mindfulness is the only way to be free …” ~ Godwin Samararatne
Unveiling The Rumi Collection: Why Give Thanks? Kabir Helminski
“… In Rumi, the full rose of the human divine opened … He gave a sign to us all forever of what is possible in a life surrendered wholly to the light …” ~ Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch
Separateness Illusion: Why We Can’t See It? Power & Gift Zen Tao
“… it is the very illusion of self that hides the Tao …” ~ Trevor Rufli
Living Truth Q&A Jean Klein: Is It Will Or Natural Giving Up?
“… The ultimate is always in the background. Then, to awaken yourself in this silent oneness is a spontaneous event … your real nature is timeless …” ~ Jean Klein