Stillness Speaks Book Previews

Jean Klein’s Invitation To Silence: The Daily Real Ease Of Being?

by | Oct 24, 2024

invitation to silence: “… This moment, when you are free from the reflex to be somebody is the highest opportunity to be still …” ~ Jean Klein

invitation to silence klein

Yesterday while working on our regular weekly Wednesday post there were several impediments – mostly stemming from my ongoing health issues – resulting in “no post” 🙁 …

Of course, the all too familiar wave of disappointment started washing over me … and as I let myself sink into it (which is the “norm” these days when the shoulder flare-ups prevent “any device time”) … I was reminded of some Jean Klein’s words that had left an “imprint” :

“… You must lose yourself in objectless waiting. When you do, you give up taking, you give up doing, you give up creating. Then life spontaneously creates in you. You live in a completely different current …”

Invitation to Silence by Jean KleinThe quote is from Jean’s recent book Invitation to Silence: sayings to awaken the self … a book we’d started previewing not too long ago (Accepting & Dissolving Into The Invitation To Silence…)

Aside from bringing an immediate “sense of relief” it also helped dissolve any resistance to acceptance – thankfully 🙂 …

And as I re-read the quote, the next sentence revealed an even deeper Truth … and the “ultimate dissolving of suffering” …

“… But when this happens, there is nobody to whom it happens. In timeless awareness there is nobody. …”

Am always deeply grateful for – and intrigued by – such unbeckoned encounters 🙂 … and am naturally drawn to sharing such “gifts” forward 🙂 … so …

Below are a few more of Jean’s exquisite words of wisdom from this recent gem of a book … and I rest into this inexplicable and organic “message from the Universe” that this week’s post is just this … 🙂 …

I bow and surrender to the Mystery … namaste’

So … pause …. read … then pause again … and let the words simply dissolve in you … as suggested by Jean …

The Invitation To Silence: The Daily Ease Of Being

You don’t become aware, for you are awareness. Awareness of awareness comes from awareness itself.

invitation to silence klein

… surrender all to the non-objective, the silence.

silence klein

If you try to be silent, you can’t be. Silence is your original nature. There’s no need to try to be what you naturally are. Just notice when you aren’t silent.

invitation to silence klein

In knowing what you are not there is presence. Give all your love to this presence and you will discover it is not an object. 

Meditation is not a cerebral function. Sitting with the intent to meditate is not meditation. There may be an inner urge to meditate, but this doesn’t come from the “ego I” who expects something. It comes directly from silence, from your real nature.

The one established in silence lives in constant offering, in prayer without asking, in thankfulness, in continual love.


Stay tuned for more … from other Jean Klein’s books from New Sarum Press …

All italicized text in this post is from Jean’s book and is published here with the publisher New Sarum Press’ generous permission. Scroll to the bottom for a free downloadable Table of Contents.

And click here for a FREE downloadable copy of the Table of Contents, graciously and generously made available by the publisher New Sarum Press.

You can purchase the book at  Amazon.

And, may Jean’s  … invitation into silence … shower your everyday with … the real ease of being

May you remain safe and healthy.

Images (edited & Logo added): 1 & Featured) Sunset scene by kamchatka, 2) Invitation to Silence cover image from New Sarum Press, 3) Dramatic sunsets and sunrise skies. Orange, yellow and blue colors sunset. Panoramic view by Tri_Visuals, 4) TBD. All except 2) purchased from 123rtf and depositphotos. All are for use only on our website/social channels (these images are not permitted to be shared separate from this post),




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