Swami Lakshmanjoo (1907-1991) was one of the foremost expounders of Kashmir’s Krama tradition, and was an inspiration to both Indian and Western scholars and seekers. He was the last in an unbroken chain of masters from the Oral Tradition of what is today known as Kashmir Shaivism.
Read this article, written by George Barselaar, and generously provided by the Lakshmanjoo Academy about the 12 Kalis in Kashmir Shaivism. Also read our preview of the article.
Moksha (liberation) in Kashmir Shaivism
John Hughes writes a clear overview of Kashmir Shaivism. This free PDF download was generously made available by the Lakshmanjoo Academy.
My intention in writing this article is to introduce the extraordinary soteriology of Kashmir Shaivism. In so doing I will describe the unique understanding of moksha and the means of its attainment as revealed by this important tradition. I believe that after the reader has a chance to reflect on this theory they will find it to be not only unique but also quite profound. ~ John Hughes
Translation of Abhinvagupta’s Classic by Pt. Hemendra Nath Chakravarty. Tantrasara is a shorter prose version of Tantraloka. Abhinavagupta compiled (as verses) all of the Kashmir Shaivism “branches” into a single, extensive (~5900 verses), treatise – known as Tantraloka.
This PDF was sourced from The Internet Archive.
Articles (PDFs)
We recommend the following free articles (for now these are all PDFs), which can be read on your computer or printed out. We have many more free PDFs to share which will be gradually published.