Our Being, I AM Meditation …& Self: Spira & Papaji

“… Our Being is the objectless, aware presence that lies behind and, at the same time, intimately pervades all experience …” ~ Rupert Spira
Nonduality & The Sedona Method – Hurley (Part 3)

The Individual “… could eventually see that happiness isn’t out there in the world but in fact inside themselves …” ~ Jimmy Hurley
Impermanence: It’s Deeper Secret – Amidon

““Everything is perishing except God’s Face.” What is it that does not come and go? or … What is permanent? Why is it important to explore permanence and impermanence?
Gangaji: How Will Your Life Be Used?

“Truth remains independent of any image, any concept or any thought.” ~ Gangaji This post previews, “How Will Your Life Be Used” from Gangaji’s book Freedom and Resolve.
Nirmala: Love is for Giving, Not for Getting

“…you are filled with love when you love, rather than when you are loved.” ~ Nirmala Enjoy this overview of Love is for Giving, not for Getting, the concluding section from Nirmala’s book, Living from the Heart.
Nirmala: Following the Heart’s Wisdom

“When you are in touch with the ultimate truth and the most complete sense of Being, there is nothing separate remaining … no experiencer, no Heart, and no sense of self. There is only Being.” ~ Nirmala Read this overview of The Heart’s Wisdom from Nirmala’s book, Living from the Heart.
Nirmala: How to Live From the Heart

“The Heart is the totality of your connection with the essential qualities and greater dimensions of your true nature as limitless Being.” ~ Nirmala Living from the Heart offers a beautiful exploration about how to live. Nirmala’s language and tone is easily absorbed. Each section has instructive p …
Nirmala: Just What Minds Do …

…in the vacant interlude the mind finds no grip. ~ Nirmala Enjoy this poem from Gifts with No Giver, a love affair with truth, Poems by Nirmala.
Why The American Pilgrimage to India? (Part 2)

“There is no greater mystery than this: being Reality ourselves, we seek to gain Reality.” ~ Ramana Maharshi … In Part 2 of this series we continue the exploration of the question What was the secret promise held by the East that the West craved so deeply … ?
Who are You? Let Papaji Help

You really do want to know the answer … Here are some words from Papaji, resonating, reverberating, cajoling, teasing, “Come Forward. Come out. Emerge …” – excerpted from “The Truth Is, Papaji Sri H.W. L. Poonja,” Pages 25-27. Self is what you are, You are That Fathomlessness in which experienc …