Websites & Social Channels
- The Culturium
"The Culturium explores the interface between spirituality and the cultural arts ... {and} is devoted to showcasing the compositions of writers, filmmakers, artists, performers, musicians, philosophers, sages and poets who have delved deep into the silence within and created work that is timeless, wise and beautiful." - quoted excerpt from The Culturium, image is snapshot from the website.
- Buddha at The Gas Pump
Buddha at the Gas Pump was founded and operated by Rick Archer, who is the show host. BATGAP NON-PROFIT is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the federal tax laws.
It is Rick's view that ordinary people everywhere are undergoing a shift to an Awakened state of consciousness which is transforming their understanding of themselves and the world. For some, this shift has been abrupt and dramatic. For others, it has been so gradual that they may not have realized it has occurred. Such shifts, or “awakenings,” are not new: Christ spoke of the “Kingdom of Heaven within,” Buddhists speak of Nirvana, Zen masters of Satori, Hindus of Moksha, but these traditions generally regard these states as rare and difficult to attain.
- Closer To Truth
"Closer To Truth presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers." ~ excerpt from the website
- Closer To Truth Podcasts
"The Closer to Truth podcasts enable you to take our episodes with you wherever you go. Listen to our podcasts on-the-go and gain insights from Nobel Laureates and other leading minds."
- Collective Evolution (CE)
"Collective Evolution (CE) believes in creating change by thinking outside the box. {CE challenges} the current status quo by shaking up how we currently think about the world. We encourage and inspire each other to take action with the goal of bringing to life a bright future for us all..." - quoted excerpt and snapshot image from the website.
- Conscious TV is a UK based TV channel broadcasting on the Internet and on various Satellite channels in the UK. The site was founded and is operated by Iain and Renee McNay.
Their quest is to stimulate debate, question, enquire, inform, enlighten, encourage and inspire people in the areas of Consciousness, Science, Non-Duality and Spirituality. It was launched in Spring 2008 and since then has broadcasted over 400 programs. - Eckhart Tolle
"... Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have already helped countless people throughout the world find inner peace and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of the teachings lies the transformation of consciousness, a spiritual awakening that he sees as the next step in human evolution... " quoted excerpt from Eckhart's website, Image, used with permission, courtesy Chris Hebard.
- Free Spiritual eBooks
"Free ebooks are not really free....they cost your time to read them. We have created a selection of free spiritual ebooks and ebooks for sale that are worth your while. Click on the covers to learn more and to download a free pdf of the free spiritual ebooks." ~ excerpt from the website
- Future Primitive
Podcast "conversations with authors, visionaries and innovators from around the world." - quoted excerpt from website and image (snapshot) from the podcast's iTunes page (used with website's permission).
- Steven Harrison (Doing Nothing)
Steven Harrison is "an international speaker on the topics of consciousness, human development, relationship and alternative education." He focuses on "Post-Spirituality and the Creative Life" - quoted excerpts from Steven's website.
- The Culturium
"The Culturium explores the interface between spirituality and the cultural arts ... {and} is devoted to showcasing the compositions of writers, filmmakers, artists, performers, musicians, philosophers, sages and poets who have delved deep into the silence within and created work that is timeless, wise and beautiful." - quoted excerpt from The Culturium, image is snapshot from the website.
- The Wisdom Podcast
- The Culturium
"The Culturium explores the interface between spirituality and the cultural arts ... {and} is devoted to showcasing the compositions of writers, filmmakers, artists, performers, musicians, philosophers, sages and poets who have delved deep into the silence within and created work that is timeless, wise and beautiful." - quoted excerpt from The Culturium, image is snapshot from the website.
- Advaita Vision
Website on all things advaita selflessly maintained by Dennis Waite (author of Back To The Truth). It is "a platform for all who are attracted to the vision of non-duality and like to share their views and their approaches." - quoted excerpt and snapshot image from the website.
- Adyashanti
No nonsense reality from this great living teacher, but always with heart and a smile ... "Adyashanti, is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to serving the awakening of all beings. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence ... {he} offers teachings that are free of any tradition or ideology ..." - quoted excerpts and image (snapshot) from Adyashanti's website
- David Godman
David Godman's website is a wealth of information on Ramana Maharshi and some other Advaita sages. David has dedicated his life to writing about the life, teachings and disciples of Ramana. Image is snapshot of website.
- Douglas Harding
Douglas Harding demonstrated non-duality through immediate direct experience. His website offers experiments to introduce you into the reality of your experience ... "Down the ages, across the world, and from many different perspectives human beings have wondered about and debated the true nature of the self. The Headless Way offers a contemporary and practical method of investigating this perennial question for yourself ..." - quoted excerpt from Douglas' website
- Ellen Emmet
"When we open deeply to our direct experience here and now, we may see that we flow as the ever-flowing movement of experience and that at the very same time we rest as something that never comes and never goes and which saturates every movement of experience with its loving substance.
We are like a river ... Forever flowing, ... Forever resting.
It is the flow and the rest at the heart of our innermost experience that I explore with people through three modalities: Non-Dual Therapy, Non-dual Yoga and Authentic Movement." ~ excerpt from Ellen's website
- Francis Lucille
"... Francis is a spiritual teacher in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta (non-duality). A long time friend and disciple of Jean Klein, ... Francis transmits the ancient teaching of nonduality, the common ground of Advaita Vedanta, Ch’an Buddhism, Zen, Taoism, and Sufism ..." - quoted excerpt from Francis' website. Image courtesy
- Gangaji
“My life is given to what I have received, which is the truth of living peace, fresh fulfillment. My life is given to serving that truth, that fulfillment in you.” Gangaji invites you "... to shift your allegiance from the activities of your mind to the eternal presence of your being ... She shares her direct experience of the essential message she received from Papaji and offers it to all who want to discover true and lasting fulfillment." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from Gangaji's website.
- Greg Goode (Heart Of Now)
Big brain non dual therapist, Greg Goode, with extensive resources ... "... Greg is well-known innovator for having combined the ancient "direct-path" method of self-inquiry with modern electronic media ..." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from Greg's website
- Non-Duality Press
One of the premiere publishers on the subject of non-duality. Represents work by Jean Klein, Rupert Spira, and Francis Lucille ... "Founded in 2004, Non-Duality Press has established itself as the leading publisher of contemporary literature on the subject of non-duality ..." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from website.
Perhaps the most mature and clear resource for information on Gurus, authors, reviews, and announcements tracking what is happening in nonduality/advaita. Run by Jerry Katz. Image from Wikimedia Commons.
- Pamela Wilson
"Pamela speaks the Truth of advaita, non-duality - that the universe is one undivided whole ... She has endeared herself to many through her lighthearted humor and compassion, and deep understanding of what it is to be human ..." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from website.
- Ramana Maharshi
Raman Maharshi's official website ... "... As a boy of sixteen in 1896, {Ramana} challenged death by a penetrating enquiry into the source of his being. Later hailed as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi he revealed the direct path of practice of Self-enquiry ... " - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from the website.
- Ramana Maharshi & Arunachala
Here's another great resource in the West on Mt. Arunachala and Ramana Maharshi ... "... On very rare occasions throughout the history of mankind, Spiritual giants have appeared to exemplify the Highest Truth, guiding followers by their conduct in every moment of their lives; Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi was such a giant. Unique in our time, He perfectly embodied the ultimate truth of Self-realisation, or complete absorption in the Supreme Itself ..." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from the website.
- Rupert Spira
Rupert Spira is a teacher in the tradition of Jean Klein and Francis Lucille ... "Happiness and the separate entity are mutually exclusive ..." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from Rupert's website.
- SAND Talks
- Satsang Teachers
Impeccable resource assisting students in locating teachers and events throughout the USA. Image from Wikimedia Commons.
- Science and Nonduality (SAND)
"... Science and Nonduality provides a forum where preeminent scientists, philosophers, teachers, artists and a large, international community gather to explore and advance the new paradigm emerging in spirituality, that is both grounded in cutting-edge science and consistent with the ancient wisdom of nonduality — the deep understanding of the interconnectedness of life..." quoted excerpt, and image (snapshot) from Science And Nonduality website.
- The Culturium
"The Culturium explores the interface between spirituality and the cultural arts ... {and} is devoted to showcasing the compositions of writers, filmmakers, artists, performers, musicians, philosophers, sages and poets who have delved deep into the silence within and created work that is timeless, wise and beautiful." - quoted excerpt from The Culturium, image is snapshot from the website.
- Wisdom's Goldenrod – Center for Philosophic Studies
The website for exploration of Paul Brunton, the man who introduced Ramana Maharshi to the West "... Wisdom's Goldenrod, Center for Philosophic Studies ... provides an environment for the nonsectarian comparative study of Western and Eastern philosophies, from ancient to contemporary with the aim of understanding the truths that underlie all traditions ... {it} was founded in 1972 by Anthony Damiani, a long time student of Paul Brunton." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from the website.
- Advaita Vision
Website on all things advaita selflessly maintained by Dennis Waite (author of Back To The Truth). It is "a platform for all who are attracted to the vision of non-duality and like to share their views and their approaches." - quoted excerpt and snapshot image from the website.
- David Godman
David Godman's website is a wealth of information on Ramana Maharshi and some other Advaita sages. David has dedicated his life to writing about the life, teachings and disciples of Ramana. Image is snapshot of website.
- Inner Quest (French)
French website with rare dvds, cds and books about nonduality - image (snapshot) from website.
- Non-Duality Press
One of the premiere publishers on the subject of non-duality. Represents work by Jean Klein, Rupert Spira, and Francis Lucille ... "Founded in 2004, Non-Duality Press has established itself as the leading publisher of contemporary literature on the subject of non-duality ..." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from website.
Perhaps the most mature and clear resource for information on Gurus, authors, reviews, and announcements tracking what is happening in nonduality/advaita. Run by Jerry Katz. Image from Wikimedia Commons.
- Ramana Maharshi
Raman Maharshi's official website ... "... As a boy of sixteen in 1896, {Ramana} challenged death by a penetrating enquiry into the source of his being. Later hailed as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi he revealed the direct path of practice of Self-enquiry ... " - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from the website.
- Ramana Maharshi & Arunachala
Here's another great resource in the West on Mt. Arunachala and Ramana Maharshi ... "... On very rare occasions throughout the history of mankind, Spiritual giants have appeared to exemplify the Highest Truth, guiding followers by their conduct in every moment of their lives; Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi was such a giant. Unique in our time, He perfectly embodied the ultimate truth of Self-realisation, or complete absorption in the Supreme Itself ..." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from the website.
- Satsang Teachers
Impeccable resource assisting students in locating teachers and events throughout the USA. Image from Wikimedia Commons.
- The Culturium
"The Culturium explores the interface between spirituality and the cultural arts ... {and} is devoted to showcasing the compositions of writers, filmmakers, artists, performers, musicians, philosophers, sages and poets who have delved deep into the silence within and created work that is timeless, wise and beautiful." - quoted excerpt from The Culturium, image is snapshot from the website.
- Coleman Barks
Coleman Barks "... taught poetry and creative writing at the University of Georgia for thirty years. He is the author of numerous Rumi translations and has been a student of Sufism since 1977. His work with Rumi was the subject of an hour-long segment in Bill Moyers's Language of Life series on PBS..." quoted excerpt from Coleman Barks website.
- Rumi Network by Shahram Shiva
"Rumi Network is dedicated to Rumi, the brilliant and radical Persian poet and philosopher of the 13th Century. This site is based on the work of award-winning Rumi translator & scholar, author, lecturer, performance poet, recording artist and teacher of advanced spirituality, Shahram Shiva." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from Rumi Network website.
- Bob Thurman Podcast
"Robert A.F. "Tenzin" Thurman’s official podcast covering diverse topics including Tibetan Buddhism, Buddhist Studies, spirituality, Tibetan Culture, Asian history, philosophy, Eastern Ideas, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama."
- Dalai Lama
"... His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama ... is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people ... his life is guided by three major commitments: the promotion of basic human values or secular ethics in the interest of human happiness, the fostering of inter-religious harmony and the preservation of Tibet's Buddhist culture, a culture of peace and non-violence...." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from the website.
- David Loy
"David Loy is a professor, writer, and Zen teacher in the Sanbo Kyodan Zen tradition ... He is a prolific author ... {and regularly writes for} ... Tikkun, Tricycle, Turning Wheel, Shambhala Sun and Buddhadharma ... {He serves on several boards, e.g.,} Contemporary Buddhism, World Fellowship of Buddhists Review, Buddhist Global Relief, Clear View Project, and Zen Peacemakers ..." - quoted excerpt and image (edited) from the website.
- Dharma Podcast (Upaya Zen Center)
- Mountain Cloud Zen Center
Mountain Cloud is a Zen Center in the Sanbo-Zen tradition. It is a "lay Zen practice community {that offers} several opportunities to meditate together each week in {their} zendo. {Their} teacher is Henry Ryu-un Shukman, an Associate Zen Master of the Sanbo Zen lineage" quoted excerpt from the center's website, image, used with permission, courtesy Cherie Manifest.
- Mountain Cloud Zen Podcast
Mountain Cloud Zen Center's podcast series of dharma talks that explore classical koans in the Sanbo Zen lineage. Image is Mountain Cloud's logo (used with their permission).
- Sanbo-Zen
“Where have we come from? … What are we? … Where are we going?” Sanbo Zen raises these fundamental questions and helps us find the answers. The current Abbot Yamada Ryoun says “... Zen is experientially finding one’s true self and the effort to personalize that true self which was found. {or} Zen is the pursuit and clarification of one’s true self … “ quoted excerpts and image from Sanbo Zen website.
- Tao & Zen
"We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Above quote is what is shown in the Short Page Info for this Social Media Channel and it is a most apropos summary for the page.
- The Nomads Clinic
Nomads Clinic was founded by Joan Halifax, in the eighties. It is "...a team of committed volunteers who make an annual month-long journey into the most remote regions of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau to provide medical and humanitarian aid. {They} train local healthcare providers and meet the healthcare needs of those who live in these isolated mountain communities." ~ excerpt from their website.
- Tibet House US
"Tibet House US was founded at the request of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who at the inauguration in 1987 stated his wish for a long-term cultural institution to ensure the survival of Tibetan civilization and culture, whatever the political destiny of the six million people of Tibet itself...." quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from website.
- Upaya Zen Center
"Upaya Zen Center is a Zen Buddhist practice, service, and training center. Our vision focuses on the integration of practice and social action, bringing together wisdom and compassion"... located in Sangta Fe, New Mexico, Upaya "... offers daily Zen meditation, weekly dharma talks, and programs on Buddhist teachings, art, neuroscience, and social engagement. We also offer professional training for end-of-life-care and Buddhist chaplaincy." ~ excerpt from Upaya's website
- Wisdom's Goldenrod – Center for Philosophic Studies
The website for exploration of Paul Brunton, the man who introduced Ramana Maharshi to the West "... Wisdom's Goldenrod, Center for Philosophic Studies ... provides an environment for the nonsectarian comparative study of Western and Eastern philosophies, from ancient to contemporary with the aim of understanding the truths that underlie all traditions ... {it} was founded in 1972 by Anthony Damiani, a long time student of Paul Brunton." - quoted excerpt and image (snapshot) from the website.