We must become servants of meditation, so meditation will become our Master.” ~ Robert Rabbin
Contemporary mystic Robert Rabbin speaks with intimate authority about the fundamental nature of being, reality, essence. Techniques is a poem from Robert’s book, The Explosive Silence of Meditation, a collection of sutras reflecting deep reality: the place of Being itself. Visit Robert’s Teacher’s Page and his website for more insight into this remarkable man’s wisdom and life.
There is no “how” to meditation.
It isn’t something we do.
It is what we are,
underneath the skin, meat, and seeds
of the guava body.
All techniques require
The incantatory means of mantra,
the practice of postures and control of breath,
sweeping the mind’s porch
and scrubbing cells clean of clutter —
these are techniques of concentration, not meditation.
Concentration wears a watch and knows
when to start and when to stop.
Concentration owns a ruler to measure progress.
Meditation has neither watch nor ruler.
Meditation never begins and never ends.
Meditation is a feast wholly unto itself,
with you and I centerpieces on its handcrafted table.
~ Robert Rabbin