Although the mind may forget its Divine birth, the heart yearns ceaselessly to remember. ~ Joan Borysenko
Seed Thought
You have known us, Divine One, since before the foundation of the world.
You are closer than hands and feet.
Truly, as it is said, in You we live and move and have our being.
Yet, so often we feel alone, like strangers in a strange land. Although the mind may forget its Divine birth the heart yearns ceaselessly to remember.
Divine Spirit, thank you for the gift of a new day and for awakening my mind that it may follow the longing of my heart…. I ask for help… in remembering that I am part of the mind of God, and therefore a part of All.
May I see you in the sky and in the clouds. May I see you in the frozen waters. May I see you in the darkness as my soul rests and grows in winter’s quiet womb. May I learn to live in the present where You are.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Become aware of the stillness deep within you and affirm…
My Divine Beloved and I are one.
Thank you.
So beautiful.
I pray for constant remembrance…