This is a preview of the upcoming documentary feature film about Sanbo Zen and its emergence worldwide, particularly in North America.This preview features: Migaku Sato Roshi (Associate Zen Master),Ruben Habito (Roshi at Maria Kannon Zen Center), Brian Chisholm (Ottawa Sangha of Sanbo Zen), Valerie Forstman (Maria Kannon Zen Center), Ryoun Yamada Roshi (Abbot of Sanbo Zen), Pierre Philippon (Zen Association of Isle d’Abeau). The upcoming documentary is a StillnessSpeaks production. It is made from the footage filmed in Toronto during the 2014 Sanbo Kyodan Teacher’s Retreat.
This video clip is presented by Altitude FX and Pruett Media in association with Mountain Cloud Zen Center. It is produced by Chris Hebard (Pruett Media) and Henry Shukman (Mountain Cloud Zen Center) and directed by Luke Fitch (Altitude FX).
Video clip copyright holder is Stillness Speaks & Pruett Media LLC.