
Free Medicine is a collection of forty intimate meditations written by Sufi teacher Pir Elias Amidon. Whether describing a naked dive into a pond in the middle of the night, or a confrontation with soldiers in a Burmese temple, these meditations can serve as companions for those whose deepest desire is to know first-hand “the good news at the heart of reality.” Human, accessible, and tender, Free Medicine has the power to open us up in ways we never expected.

This PDF includes the Author’s opening Note (to “those who open this book”) plus the first three Chapters of Free Medicine:

  1. Homage to the One.
  2. The Desire to Be at the End of Distances
  3. The Everyday Practice.

This content was graciously provided to Stillness Speaks through the generous courtesy of Connie Shaw, the publisher (Sentient Publications). The book contains forty chapters, one for each meditation.

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