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who am i klein

Who Am I

By Jean Klein

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This book came to life through dialogues which took place in different countries with people from all walks of life, and especially through stimulating conversations I had with Emma Edwards. These often touched the border of the inexpressible. I deeply thank her for writing down what cannot easily be written, the nearest formulation to what is beyond words, so that the mind of the reader may be enlivened and clarified. Only a clear mind dares to give itself up to its Origin, that which has been and ever will be.

When Silence Speaks: Messages from the Heart by Cit Ananda

When Silence Speaks: Messages from the Heart

By Cit Ananda

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Reading the mystic poetry in When Silence Speaks: Messages from the Heart is like the best friend you haven’t seen in years entering through the front door of your soul.Each poem approaches from a different angle, shepharding you to surrender as you embrace these transcendent poems, like the scent of roses, into your Heart. Experiences are played with, spun on a prayer wheel of words, revealing a deeper, truer purpose, and unraveling the sacred mystery of life. Reading this collection is like hearing the whispers of a loved one and feeling the gentle touch of their nurturing hand on your shoulder as you sit together in silence, without any need for words to know each other’s Heart, to hear each other’s prayers. These poems are that close, guiding you to discover the inherent Divinity within your humanity.

Zen to reveal the extraordinary Tao by Trevor Rufli

Zen to Reveal the Extraordinary Tao

By Trevor Rufli

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Zen to Reveal the Extraordinary Tao offers an accessible and hands-on guide to how we can use the insights of Zen Buddhism and Taoism to inform and enrich our daily lives. Trevor draws on the knowledge and experience of the giants of Zen Buddhism and Taoism to clarify paradoxical matters such as: non-doing versus doing nothing, self and non-self, desire and fulfilment, and the potential pitfalls of specific spiritual practices. Whether you are an experienced spiritual seeker, or engaged in self-exploration for the first time, Zen to Reveal the Extraordinary Tao is a uniquely experiential guide.

Invitation to Silence by Jean Klein

Invitation to Silence: Sayings to Awaken the Self

By Jean Klein

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This beautiful small book contains quotations by Jean Klein addressing a wide range of subjects and questions. The quotations have been selected from the ten published volumes of his teachings by Billy Doyle, a noted teacher of Kashmiri Yoga and long-time student of Dr. Klein. Jean Klein was a pioneering Western teacher of Advaita whose influence, via distinguished students of his work, is still strongly felt in our own time. His teaching belongs to the direct approach which points straight to our real nature… to what is beyond the mind, to inner stillness and peace, … to being what we fundamentally are. ​The book features an Introduction by Emma Edwards, the original compiler and editor of Dr. Klein’s published works.

Become What You Are by Alan Watts

Become What You Are

By Alan Watts

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Discover the path to your authentic self and embrace your true identity with these insightful teachings from celebrated author and spiritual luminary Alan Watts. In this collection, Watts displays the intelligence, playfulness of thought, and simplicity of language that has made him so perennially popular as an interpreter of Eastern thought for Westerners. He draws on a variety of religious traditions and covers topics such as the challenge of seeing one’s life “just as it is,” the Taoist approach to harmonious living, the limits of language in the face of ineffable spiritual truth, and the psychological symbolism of Christian thought. Throughout, he shows how our true self is never to be found anywhere other than this very life and this very moment.

You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment by Thich Nhat Hanh

You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment

By Thich Nhat Hanh

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Cut through the busyness and anxieties of daily life to discover the simple happiness of living in the present moment, as taught by a world-renowned Zen monk. In this book, Thich Nhat Hanh—Zen monk, author, and meditation master—distills the essence of Buddhist thought and practice, emphasizing the power of mindfulness to transform our lives. But true mindfulness, Hanh explains, is not an escape. It is being in the present moment, totally alive and free.

HOW NOT TO BE A HOT MESS: A Buddhist Survival Guide for Modern Life

HOW NOT TO BE A HOT MESS: A Buddhist Survival Guide for Modern Life

By Nico Hase, Devon Hase

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Practice six life-changing rules to manage the stresses of modern life—from two seasoned practitioners who have both been there and done the work. Whether it’s politics and climate change or just the daily spin of paying your bills and managing burnout, we can all admit that modern life is increasingly difficult to navigate. These six guiding principles, inspired from ancient Buddhist wisdom and mindfulness practices, are instrumental to staying anchored and steady amid the chaos.

Illumination Rebecca Li

Illumination: A Guide to the Buddhist Method of No-Method

By Rebecca Li

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A modern guide to the transformative practice of silent illumination from Chan Buddhist teacher Rebecca Li. After guiding readers through the history and practice of silent illumination, Rebecca Li shows us how we can recognize and unlearn our “modes of operation”—habits of mind that get in the way of being fully present and engaged with life. Cultivating clarity on the empty nature of these habits offers us a way to unlearn and free ourselves from unhelpful modes such as harshness to self, perfectionism, quietism, striving for spiritual attainment, and more. Illumination offers stories and real-life examples, references to classic Buddhist texts, and insights from Chan Master Sheng Yen to guide readers as they practice silent illumination not just on their cushions, but throughout their lives.

Your Heart Was Made for This by Oren Jay Sofer

Your Heart Was Made for This

By Oren Jay Sofer

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A practical roadmap to cultivating the heart’s capacity to face and transform our greatest challenges—like the climate crisis, oppression, anxiety, and burnout—from the best-selling author of Say What You Mean. Through touching stories, insightful reflections, and concrete instructions, Sofer offers powerful tools to strengthen our hearts and nourish the qualities that can transform our world.

The Rumi Collection: An Anthology of Translations of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi (Editor) Kabir Helminski

The Rumi Collection: An Anthology of Translations of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

By Kabir Helminski (Editor)

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The Rumi Collection presents an essential anthology of the works of the thirteenth-century Sufi poet and philosopher Jalâluddin Rumi. Known for his deeply mystical and spiritual writings, Rumi’s words have been carefully selected and arranged by acclaimed Sufi teacher Kabir Helminski to offer a comprehensive introduction to the poet’s life and thought. With contributions from numerous leading translators—including Robert Bly, Coleman Barks, Camille Helminski, Andrew Harvey, and many other esteemed expositors of the Sufi tradition—The Rumi Collection provides an indispensable resource for all to explore the richness of Islamic mysticism and Rumi’s monumental contribution to the language of spirituality. Whether you are new to Rumi’s work or a longtime admirer, these classic works of Sufi poetry invite you to enter Rumi’s world—and to be immersed in his timeless wisdom.

Living Truth Jean Klein

Living Truth

By Jean Klein

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In the late 1980s {Jean Klein} was invited to give seminars in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. In this isolated, peaceful mountain setting, a small group of students gathered with their life questions. The conversations of the 1988 seminar were transcribed and printed as a pamphlet entitled Mount Madonna Dialogues, but it was felt that the contents of all of the seminars were rich and rewarding enough to be gathered into a more substantial publication. This book is the result.

Yin Mountain: The Immortal Poetry of Three Daoist Women

Yin Mountain: The Immortal Poetry of Three Daoist Women

By Peter Levitt, Rebecca Nie

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Freshly translated poems reveal the complexity, self-realization, and spiritual freedom of three classical Daoist women poets. Yin Mountain presents a fascinating window onto the lives of three Tang Dynasty Daoist women poets. Li Ye (c. 734–784), Xue Tao (c. 768–832), and Yu Xuanji (843–868) lived and wrote during the period when Chinese poetry reached its greatest height. Yet while the names of the male poets of this era, such as Tu Fu, Li Bo, and Wang Wei, are all easily recognized, the names of its accomplished women poets are hardly known at all.

The Mysticism of Sound and Music The Sufi Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

The Mysticism of Sound and Music The Sufi Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

By Hazrat Inayat Khan

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A contemporary exploration into the meaning and possibility of our human existence, through the universal insights of the 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic Rumi—by pre-eminent Rumi translator, Kabir Helminski. The 13th-century poet and mystic Rumi has become one of the most popular spiritual voices of our time—known and loved by people of many faiths and worldviews for his rich metaphors, images, poems, and stories. The Mysterion deepens our appreciation of his teachings by illuminating both the practical psychological dimension behind them, as well as the universal spiritual truths they offer about what it means to be human.

Painting the Sidewalk with Water: Talks and Dialogues About Non-Duality Joan Tollifson

Painting the Sidewalk with Water: Talks and Dialogs about Nonduality 2023 Edition

By Joan Tollifson

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A reissue – by New Sarum Press – of this classic book with a newly written Preface for 2023. These lively talks and dialogs are about seeing through the illusion of separation and waking up to the boundless wholeness that is all there is. They take on perennial questions such as: Who am I? Is there a way out of personal and global suffering? Can we choose to stop addictive and destructive patterns? What does it mean to be awake? What is enlightenment? Does waking up take effort, vigilance and practice, or is it effortlessly and unavoidably always already the case? What happens when we die?

A FUTURE WE CAN LOVE Susan Bauer-Wu Stephanie Higgs

A Future We Can Love: How We Can Reverse The Climate Crisis With The Power of Our Hearts & Minds

By Susan Bauer-Wu, Stephanie Huggs

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Discover wisdom and guidance to face the climate emergency from the most influential spiritual and environmental leaders of our time, including the Dalai Lama, Greta Thunberg, Joanna Macy, Vandana Shiva, Paul Hawken, Katharine Hayhoe, and Matthieu Ricard. A Future We Can Love inspires each of us to rise to the occasion to ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

The Mysterion: Rumi and the Secret of Becoming Fully Human by Kabir Helminski

The Mysterion Rumi and the Secret of Becoming Fully Human

By Kabir Helminski

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A contemporary exploration into the meaning and possibility of our human existence, through the universal insights of the 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic Rumi—by pre-eminent Rumi translator, Kabir Helminski. The 13th-century poet and mystic Rumi has become one of the most popular spiritual voices of our time—known and loved by people of many faiths and worldviews for his rich metaphors, images, poems, and stories. The Mysterion deepens our appreciation of his teachings by illuminating both the practical psychological dimension behind them, as well as the universal spiritual truths they offer about what it means to be human.

Nondual Love A H Almaas

Nondual Love: Awakening to the Loving Nature of Reality

By A H Almaas

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Love is a transformative aspect of the spiritual path—and, in fact, it is our very nature. A. H. Almaas takes us on a journey beyond a narrow, individual understanding of love to an exploration of what he calls the boundless dimension of Divine Love. This is not the kind of love that we feel toward somebody else; it is nondual, a love without boundaries. Or put another way, it is universal true nature experienced as love.

Talking Zen by Alan Watts

Talking Zen

By Alan Watts

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Enter the mind of Alan Watts on Zen, Taoism, psychedelics, and comparative philosophy Alan Watts’s lifetime of lectures and essays range widely through psychology, art, religion, and politics, but so often come home to a Zen core. This collection of his teachings, drawn from forty years of public speaking and writing, presents his characteristic brilliance and inimitable humor as he explores the deep connections between Eastern and Western wisdom—and, most especially, the unique contributions that the Zen tradition has to offer us all. Using down-to-earth, accessible language, Watts elucidates the seemingly subtle and mysterious way of Zen with immediately familiar terms and profoundly transformative ideas. As breathtaking to his original audiences as to us today, these monumental teachings paved the way for the rise of Zen in the West.

book of listening klein

The Book of Listening

By Jean Klein

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This book is a compilation of Volumes 1 – 10 of Jean Klein´s journal Listening, published by the Jean Klein Foundation on a limited basis between 1989-1995. Each volume of The Book of Listening is arranged around a theme, for example, Love and Marriage, The Guru and Disciple, and includes a previously unpublished private discussion or a transcription of a public talk with Jean Klein. Listening also includes one question answered in depth (Your Question) and a brief description of Jean’s unique approach to the role of the body in his teaching. For each volume Jean selected an extract from his own favorite literature and poetry, covering many ages and cultures, which complemented the depth and richness of his own expression.

The Treasure House:Discovering Enlightenment Exactly Where You are by Mike Kewley

The Treasure House: Discovering Enlightenment Exactly Where You Are

By Mike Kewley

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Mike Kewley shares his experience of seeking and how he found that awakening or enlightenment is here, in the everyday things of life. Mike fell in love with the ordinary. Ordinary life, he reveals, is the real miracle, not fireworks and crazy ecstasies, nor the oceans of calm (but lifeless) detachment…

How We Live Is How We Die Pema Chodron

How We Live Is How We Die

By Pema Chödrön

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Discover newfound freedom in life’s ever-constant flow of endings and beginnings with the wise words of Pema Chödrön, beloved Buddhist nun and bestselling author of When Things Fall Apart Poignant for readers of all ages, her teachings on the bardos—a Tibetan term referring to a state of transition, including what happens between this life and the next—reveal their power and relevance at each moment of our lives. She also offers practical methods for transforming life’s most challenging emotions about change and uncertainty into a path of awakening and love. As she teaches, the more freedom we can find in our hearts and minds as we live this life, the more fearlessly we’ll be able to confront death and what lies beyond. In all, Pema provides readers with a master course in living life fully and compassionately in the shadow of death and change.

The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep: Practices for Awakening by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep: Practices for Awakening

By Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

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Dream yoga in the Tibetan traditions of dream practice has been the primary support for the realization of many yogis and great Tibetan masters. In his updated The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep: Practices for Awakening Tenzin Wangyal clearly presents a powerful method for liberation with fresh insight born from years of teaching this practice to Westerners.

Heroic Heart Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

The Heroic Heart: Awakening Unbound Compassion

By Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

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A guidebook to making life meaningful by cultivating compassion, embracing adversity, and training the mind—from one of the foremost living Buddhist nuns. Based on the classic fourteenth-century mind training (or Lojong) text of Tibetan Buddhism called the Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva, this guidebook shares pithy advice on how to act as bodhisattvas in our everyday lives, enabling us to possess compassion in an authentic way. Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, an exemplary spiritual teacher who spent over a dozen years meditating in the Himalayas and one of the first Buddhist nuns to be ordained in the West, shares her reflections on this famous teaching and how to live a life of mindfulness and selflessness.

ocean of silence billy doyle

Ocean of Silence

By Billy Doyle

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OCEAN OF SILENCE (by New Sarum Press) is a collection of writings and poems pointing to a non-dualistic understanding of reality. Concise and vibrant, these aphoristic poems question long-held notions of self and offer another possibility. Billy Doyle teaches Yoga in the Kashmir Tradition, with a foundation of non-duality. Jean Klein has been the underlying inspiration for his own teaching.

In Search of Being G. I. Gurdjieff

In Search of Being: The Fourth Way to Consciousness

By G. I. Gurdjieff

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Over one hundred years ago in Russia, G. I. Gurdjieff introduced a spiritual teaching of conscious evolution—a way of gnosis or “knowledge of being” passed on from remote antiquity. Gurdjieff’s early talks in Europe were published in the form of chronological fragments preserved by his close followers P. D. Ouspensky and Jeanne de Salzmann. Now these teachings are presented as a comprehensive whole, covering a variety of subjects including states of consciousness, methods of self-study, spiritual work in groups, laws of the cosmos, and the universal symbol known as the Enneagram.

letting go peter russell

Letting Go of Nothing: Relax Your Mind and Discover the Wonder of Your True Nature

By Peter Russell

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A practical and empowering approach to the age-old quest to let go of the thoughts and feelings that block happiness, impede change, and hinder self-acceptance Anyone who has dipped a toe into any of the world’s spiritual traditions knows that letting go and letting be are key. But how? In this fresh, frank, and powerful guide, Peter Russell allows readers to see that the things we get hung up on are generally not tangible problems in the present, but are instead thoughts, feelings, interpretations, beliefs, or expectations we have about them. These are not actual things; they exist only in our minds. And we can strip these “no-things” of their power and let them go by making a simple change of mind. Russell boils this letting go down to remarkably easy methods of accepting, acknowledging, recognizing, and even befriending what we tend to run from. This paradoxical practice generates peace of mind, fresh perspectives, and wisdom in action. In turbulent times like ours, this is a true power, one available to us all.

Awake in the Heartland: The Ecstasy of What Is joan tollifson

Awake in the Heartland: The Ecstasy of What Is – 2022 Edition New Sarum

By Joan Tollifson

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A new edition (by New Sarum Press) of this classic book with an updated Preface and Afterword for 2022. Awake in the Heartland offers clear non-dual understanding, not in the abstract, but grounded in the actuality of daily life with all its messiness, complexity, uncertainty, paradox, and apparent imperfection.

tao te ching tzu star

Tao Te Ching: The New Translation from Tao Te Ching: The Definitive Edition – Kindle

By Lao Tzu (Author), Jonathan Star (Translator)

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In the hands of Jonathan Star, the eighty-one verses of the Tao Te Ching resound with the elegant, simple images and all-penetrating ideas that have made this ancient work a cornerstone of the world’s wisdom literature. Text & Image: From the Amazon page of the book.

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