From #GivingTuesday (December 3) to Year End
We fundraise ONLY ONCE per year during this period.
2024 goal is $7K, all for our essential operating expenses.
Raised $2356 (34%) so far! THANK YOU !
Stillness Speaks® is a resource for self inquiry and self exploration – the endless journey of self realization. We offer works of teachers and traditions, both historical and contemporary, Eastern and Western, indigenous and otherwise. Our approach is integral – all are welcome!
“Your own self realization is the greatest service you can give the world.” ~ Ramana Maharshi
Why Loving Welcome? & Its Gift: Elias Amidon Notes Open Path
“… Be still. Tune in to the wonder of this bottomless moment here and now …” ~ Joan Tollifson
Beyond Knowledge Jean Klein: How To Truly Love The Other?
“… It is not important to understand these words, but it is essential to live with the feeling they evoke. In living with their invocation, an inner ripeness grows. This maturity brings us to discover our silent being which is beyond knowledge …” ~ Jean Klein
Can We Rest … To Clarity? Summary Of Existence Darryl Bailey
“… If we are without direction, we can withdraw to solitude and our deepest urges and intuitions will push themselves forward to reveal our next step. …” ~ Darryl Bailey
Notable Posts From Our Archives
When You Greet Me I Bow
“… simply being together with warmhearted kindness, dropping story lines, and appreciating each other’s profound human presence is the whole of the teaching …” ~ Norman Fischer
Our Being, I AM Meditation …& Self: Spira & Papaji
“… Our Being is the objectless, aware presence that lies behind and, at the same time, intimately pervades all experience …” ~ Rupert Spira
Forgiveness: A “Seed” of Awakening – Peter Russell (Part 6)
Forgiveness means “… “to let go”—as when we let go of a rope, or something else we are holding on to. We’re releasing our grip on something …” ~ Peter Russell
The greatest mystery of all: as your journey progresses, you will discover that there truly is only one teacher and that teacher is ultimately found within. Until then, we have many sages that guide us along … or illuminate the way …. we are honored to offer a small sampling of these luminaries … a list that will grow with time.
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ~ Aristotle
We offer explorations into the “many paths up the mountain:” from Christian to Sufi, from Zen to Hindu, Kabbalist to Kashmir Shaivism, Advaitic to Indigenous, from philosophical to atheist, from spiritual to scientific – an endless list, that will continue to grow ! …