What Are You Here For?
“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” ~ Ryunosuke Satoro
Read on … and give us your answer …
How To Rest & Look Within? Pause, Rest, & Be, Octavia Raheem
“… have the courage to pause sometimes. To rest and look within. To be still and know that you are not lost …” ~ Octavia Raheem
Cultivating Peace & Compassion? Joan Halifax & Upaya Zen Center
“… the greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion …” ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama
How To Wake Up Every Day? Mindfulness, Thich Nhat Hanh
“… I bring awareness to shine upon all life …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Acceptance & Silence: Jean Klein & Thich Nhat Hanh
“… When you accept that you are what you are looking for, the mind no longer projects an ‘outside’ …” ~ Jean Klein
Thich Nhat Hanh: Can We Train For Happiness? Your True Home
“… Your True Home is in the here and the now. It is not limited by time, space, nationality, or race …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Isness Of Life: Is It “Findable?” Power & Gift Zen Tao
“… The miraculous is in the ordinary …” ~ Trevor Rufli
Why Loving Welcome? & Its Gift: Elias Amidon Notes Open Path
“… Be still. Tune in to the wonder of this bottomless moment here and now …” ~ Joan Tollifson
Beyond Knowledge Jean Klein: How To Truly Love The Other?
“… This maturity brings us to discover our silent being which is beyond knowledge …” ~ Jean Klein
Zen and the West: Finding Peace in Troubled Times -
Amoda Maa: Awakening is a Revolutionary Shift in Consciousness -
One Bright Pearl: A Conversation on Zen -
Amoda Maa: Cultivating Spiritual Resilience -
Jeremy Irons: Passing a Better Time … -
One in a Million Becomes Realized -
Amoda Maa: Become a Master of Life -
Final goal in Kashmir Shaivism