Pause, Rest, Be: Stillness Practices for Courage in Times of Change

Restoring your body, mind, and spirit amid change is an act of courage, empowerment, and hope. This warm, powerful guide will help you honor the changes and spaces in your life with purposeful rest and reflection.

If you’re trying to push your way through endings, beginnings, and places of uncertainty, only to find yourself more confused, disconnected, tired, and uncertain, this book will hold and fortify you. Yoga teacher and activist Octavia Raheem offers us the motivation and guidance we need to restore ourselves in the midst of all sorts of change. Change in our lives—whether it be welcome, joyful, challenging, or more subtle—presents us with the opportunity to pause and gather our energy to work with whatever lies ahead.

Zen to Reveal the Extraordinary Tao

Zen to Reveal the Extraordinary Tao offers an accessible and hands-on guide to how we can use the insights of Zen Buddhism and Taoism to inform and enrich our daily lives.

Trevor draws on the knowledge and experience of the giants of Zen Buddhism and Taoism to clarify paradoxical matters such as: non-doing versus doing nothing, self and non-self, desire and fulfilment, and the potential pitfalls of specific spiritual practices.

Whether you are an experienced spiritual seeker, or engaged in self-exploration for the first time, Zen to Reveal the Extraordinary Tao is a uniquely experiential guide.

Beyond Knowledge

“We have come to satisfy the inner need to know ourselves, to share our oneness, to hear directly what life is. To receive life one must be open to it. Life can only be understood by life. This means that the being open is life itself.

Beyond Knowledge is a crystallization in word-form of this timeless wisdom. To read these dialogues is to enter into a scale of inquiry and clarity that knows no compromise. It carries one through to the end of thought and to the beginning of self-knowledge.

a summary of existence: the sense of here and now

Darryl’s website features short articles which exemplify and summarise his teaching. A number of people asked whether these could be collated into a book and Darryl has responded with this new, concise collection of writings.

Spontaneously drawn to meditation at age fourteen, Darryl spent the next seventeen years exploring awareness and concentration exercises from both Eastern and Western traditions. He then spent nine years apprenticed with mindfulness teacher Ruth Denison and another six years as a meditation monk in the Thai Forest Tradition, under the guidance of Ajahn Sumedho.

Painting from the Palette of Love: The Mystical Poetry of Kabir

Wrap yourself in the boundless love of the Divine with the mystical poetry of renowned Sufi saint Kabir, here brought to life for modern readers by acclaimed poet Thomas Rain Crowe.

This 65-poem collection of Kabir’s most rapturous spiritual songs, rendered into modern language by acclaimed poet and Sufi performing artist Thomas Rain Crowe, is brought to life in fresh, evocative language bursting with mystical power. Striking and profound, Crowe’s inspired and poetic adaptations offer a sumptuous taste of true reality—beyond boundaries and in joyful embrace of life and our world.
