The Cosmic Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness
By Stanislav Grof M.D.Buy From Amazon
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In this, his culminating work, the leading international figure in consciousness research masterfully synthesizes his vast findings, drawing not only upon psychedelic therapy and Holotropic Breathwork, but also from literature, cross-cultural studies, ancient mystical sources and psychological data, resulting in a profound consolidation and articulation of what is now known about non-ordinary states of consciousness. {excerpted from the Amazon page for this book}
The Cosmic Game discusses the broadest philosophical, metaphysical and spiritual insights from Grof’s research concerning human nature and the nature of reality. It addresses the most fundamental questions human beings have asked about the nature of their existence since time immemorial. Insights from research into non-ordinary states of consciousness portray existence as an astonishing play of the cosmic creative principle that transcends time, space, linear causality, and polarities of every kind and suggest that the individual psyche of each individual in his or her farthest reaches is identical with the Divine. This identity of the human being with the Divine is the ultimate secret that lies at the core of all great spiritual traditions. {excerpted from the Book’s page of Stan’s website}
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Science & ConsciousnessStan Grof