Hans Meijer is a mystic who became aware of his oneness with the Absolute (Non-Duality) in his twenties. The first ten years after his ‘initiation’ he did not speak about it to anybody but struggled to integrate the divine knowledge in his daily life. He started a family and became an accountant. Meanwhile he studied the oriental (and western) wisdom and met many teachers. Finally he started lecturing for small groups of people. In the eighties he developed a complete course in yoga spirituality, which he taught in the Netherlands for over twenty years. He also gave many lectures and organized yoga seminars.
Hans emphasizes that spirituality should and could be integrated in worldly life. Even stronger: the lack of spiritual knowledge in the world in general is the reason for much (if not all) misery.
In 2000 Hans ended his worldly career and retired into the French Pyrenees. There he organized workshops and wrote his book Initiation into Reality.