One Bright Pearl: A Conversation on Zen

In One Bright Pearl, Henry and Chris Hebard take us on a journey about Zen including certain key aspects of Buddha’s life … in a 77minute, VIDEO … they address questions like: What does awakened mean? … what is happiness? … what causes our suffering? … the topic of...

Amoda Maa: Cultivating Spiritual Resilience

Amoda Maa talks about recognizing our true sovereignty by being rooted deep in presence, and how this cultivates our inner immunity. Taken from an online daylong event (May 2020). This video is sourced from Amoda’s YouTube channel. Featured Image (thumbnail on...

Jeremy Irons: Passing a Better Time …

Jeremy Irons reflects on “just sitting” and giving the mind a rest so we can pass a better time … This is a preview clip from the documentary feature film (Zen and the West) coming in 2019 – a StillnessSpeaks production. This clip is presented...