by Sanjiv Manifest | Aug 28, 2024 | Books
Discover the path to your authentic self and embrace your true identity with these insightful teachings from celebrated author and spiritual luminary Alan Watts.
In this collection, Watts displays the intelligence, playfulness of thought, and simplicity of language that has made him so perennially popular as an interpreter of Eastern thought for Westerners. He draws on a variety of religious traditions and covers topics such as the challenge of seeing one’s life “just as it is,” the Taoist approach to harmonious living, the limits of language in the face of ineffable spiritual truth, and the psychological symbolism of Christian thought. Throughout, he shows how our true self is never to be found anywhere other than this very life and this very moment.
by Sanjiv Manifest | Aug 21, 2024 | Books
Cut through the busyness and anxieties of daily life to discover the simple happiness of living in the present moment, as taught by a world-renowned Zen monk.
In this book, Thich Nhat Hanh—Zen monk, author, and meditation master—distills the essence of Buddhist thought and practice, emphasizing the power of mindfulness to transform our lives. But true mindfulness, Hanh explains, is not an escape. It is being in the present moment, totally alive and free.
by Sanjiv Manifest | Aug 7, 2024 | Books
Practice six life-changing rules to manage the stresses of modern life—from two seasoned practitioners who have both been there and done the work.
Whether it’s politics and climate change or just the daily spin of paying your bills and managing burnout, we can all admit that modern life is increasingly difficult to navigate. These six guiding principles, inspired from ancient Buddhist wisdom and mindfulness practices, are instrumental to staying anchored and steady amid the chaos.
by Sanjiv Manifest | Apr 18, 2024 | Books
A modern guide to the transformative practice of silent illumination from Chan Buddhist teacher Rebecca Li.
After guiding readers through the history and practice of silent illumination, Rebecca Li shows us how we can recognize and unlearn our “modes of operation”—habits of mind that get in the way of being fully present and engaged with life. Cultivating clarity on the empty nature of these habits offers us a way to unlearn and free ourselves from unhelpful modes such as harshness to self, perfectionism, quietism, striving for spiritual attainment, and more. Illumination offers stories and real-life examples, references to classic Buddhist texts, and insights from Chan Master Sheng Yen to guide readers as they practice silent illumination not just on their cushions, but throughout their lives.
by Sanjiv Manifest | Dec 27, 2023 | Books
A practical roadmap to cultivating the heart’s capacity to face and transform our greatest challenges—like the climate crisis, oppression, anxiety, and burnout—from the best-selling author of Say What You Mean. Through touching stories, insightful reflections, and concrete instructions, Sofer offers powerful tools to strengthen our hearts and nourish the qualities that can transform our world.
by Sanjiv Manifest | Nov 22, 2023 | Books
The Rumi Collection presents an essential anthology of the works of the thirteenth-century Sufi poet and philosopher Jalâluddin Rumi. Known for his deeply mystical and spiritual writings, Rumi’s words have been carefully selected and arranged by acclaimed Sufi teacher Kabir Helminski to offer a comprehensive introduction to the poet’s life and thought. With contributions from numerous leading translators—including Robert Bly, Coleman Barks, Camille Helminski, Andrew Harvey, and many other esteemed expositors of the Sufi tradition—The Rumi Collection provides an indispensable resource for all to explore the richness of Islamic mysticism and Rumi’s monumental contribution to the language of spirituality. Whether you are new to Rumi’s work or a longtime admirer, these classic works of Sufi poetry invite you to enter Rumi’s world—and to be immersed in his timeless wisdom.