The Brain with David Eagleman

From the 2015 PBS series, these six one-hour episodes with David Eagleman tell the story of the inner workings of the brain and take viewers on a journey into their thoughts, actions, and beliefs. This epic series focuses on the basic questions of being human, going...

The Power of Myth

An exhilarating journey into the mind and spirit of a remarkable man, a legendary teacher, and a masterful storyteller, conducted by TV journalist Bill Moyers in the acclaimed PBS series. Includes The Hero’s Adventure, The Message of the Myth, The First...

Awe & Wonder – It’s Darkest Before the Dawn

“This is the possibility of total freedom. Right in the midst of a very ordinary life.” ~ Jeff Foster “Join Jeff Foster, the well known Non-Dual author of An Extraordinary Absence and Chris Hebard. In a unique discussion regarding the deeply private...

Western Masters of Non Duality Volume 2

In October of 2009, travelled to San Rafael, California to introduce 15 Western Masters of Non-Duality to our audience. We prepared a list of questions for each of them to answer. The same material was covered by each teacher – allowing us to...

Francis Lucille Dialogue Excerpts Volume 1

This DVD is the first of a series of five Satsang Dialogues covering an entire, intimate two week retreat in the peace of Francis Lucille’s private home in the Deluz Mountains near Temecula, California with a small group of students. It answers many questions...