“Perhaps you realize the grace of a moment of beauty. To be true to that grace you must explore it. See if it truly ends. …” ~ Gangaji

moment of grace

“… Does it end when you step into downtown Denver or Manhattan? If true beauty appears to leave, be willing to retreat for a moment, one millisecond, and you will see that true beauty is everywhere, emanating from everything.

As always Gangaji is crystal clear … and … she poses profound questions that are truly worthy of deeper exploration. Does realization ever end? … Does that which is always here ever “go away?” … Like Papaji (her “teacher”) showed her when they were walking in busy, dirty, parts of Lucknow, India … with a gentle but eye opening smile he indicated that “here too” is the Divine …

india busy dirty street

These are radical questions that require uncompromising exploration … this is ruthless Self inquiry …

Posing these questions and exploring further is also a sign of {emerging and} deepening spiritual maturity. Dissolving the hold of personal reality, or rather “seeing” the Divine in everyday life is a sign of spiritual maturity.

“The readiness to discover what is before your personal reality, what is not contingent on your personal reality – what already  is  and does not need practice or support or belief to be – is spiritual maturity.”

“Spiritual maturity allows satsang to appear in your mind. In your mind you hear the call, “Wake up! Wake up!”

call to wake up

“Surrender to that call. Mental surrender is reflection, resting the mind, or not thinking. To reflect means to give up all considerations, all computations, all measurements, and just be still. A reflective mind is alert yet at rest. A reflective mind is open. Then, quite naturally, unexpectedly, and mysteriously there arises that which is reflected upon.”

Such explorations in consciousness also bring an opportunity …

“… to discover what is deeper than “human” being, what is before human being. That “being-ness” is actually the source of human being. It is the source of plant being, animal being, sentient being, and insentient being. That beingness is alive with intelligence, with presence, and it wants to know itself in you so that it can know itself everywhere.


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We invite you to continue these explorations into your true nature through the wisdom of Gangaji and other teachers featured on Stillness Speaks … to deepen “being here” … and recognize that …

The function of life is to experience eternity right here and now.” ~ Joseph Campbell – his teacher page is coming soon.

Gangaji quotes from: You Are That,Volume I, Satsang with Gangaji … and … The Diamond in your Pocket, discovering your true radiance, by Gangaji.
Joseph Campbell quote from: “The Power of Myth” PBS series with Bill Moyers.

Part of this post is based on this Google+ post.

Images (edited & Logo added) : 1) Natural Heritage site in Ukraine 3) Natural Heritage site in Ukraine, both by Vian, both are CC BY-SA 4.0, 2) Out on the Main Bazaar Road, India, by Connie Ma, CC BY-SA 2.0, 4) Summer Landscape by AlainAudetCCO Public Domain.



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