Enjoy this rare documentary on the teachings of Karlfried Graf Durckheim, which includes some footage filmed at his deathbed.
It is Dursckheim’s rare nondual blending of psychotherapy ( C.G. Jung), eastern wisdom (Zen Buddhism) and Christianity (Meister Eckhart) that bears a unique but unmistakable expression of the ineffable. For a comprehensive introduction to the life and teachings of this spiritual master, read The Path of Initiation: An Introduction to the Life and Thought of Karlfried Graf Durckheim.
Click here to down a free PDF on the teachings of Durckheim entitled “Becoming Real” or buy the same book of the same title at Amazon.
Like the great Indian sage, Anandamayi Ma, Durckheim welcomed all that arose in the moment, including adversity, as an open invitiation to Eternity:
“Each of life’s primal dilemmas is matched by its own saving power. Every recurrent anguish, longing, and hope finds its own special helper. The master is one of these helpers.”
“Again and again, people driven by despair to seek the counsel and help demanded by their true nature, themselves construct the helpers they need, simply because they are suffering and searching so intensely. They receive a master’s answer or a master’s guidance from others who are by no means masters themselves.”
“If we see Being as the one true reality and ourselves as the prisoners of the world, then the only way of fulfilling ourselves and getting back in touch with that ultimate reality is to leave the world utterly behind, die, and so finally enter the reality of All-One-Being. If, on the other hand, we see Life as transcending the antithesis of otherworldly Being and worldly reality, and manifestation of the Absolute in the worldly as our real objective, then we fulfill ourselves by witnessing to it in our ways of living, learning, and acting in the world.”
Feature Photo Credit: (edited), Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on a morning walk with Karlfried Dürckheim in Frankfurt, 1974, by Christian Jansen, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons