Adapting Buddhism to the West

Buddhism is an emergent process and will always be an organism that is in emergence  ~ Roshi Joan Halifax

Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world answered questions about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This post summarizes the seven responses to, How do you practically work with the cultural adaptation of Buddhism as a teacher? 

The Consciousness Revolution: New Methods for Psychotherapy

…as deeper layers of the unconscious unfold … we find additional roots… on the transpersonal level of the psyche.  ~ Stan Grof

In this fourth post in our series, The Consciousness Revolution, Grof describes how new methods for working with emotional and psychosomatic disorders (such as holotropic breathwork) are exposing new psychic roots and offering better treatments for trauma.

Exploring Buddhism and Cultural Adaptation

Everything Buddha taught can be boiled down to mindfulness or awareness. ~ Dzongsar Khyentsem Rinpoche

Seven Buddhist teachers from around the world were questioned about the challenges Buddhism faces as it moves into the West. This post summarizes the seven responses to, Given that Buddhist practice has always taken on very different forms in different cultures, …what aspects should be adapted given the different circumstances in the west, or in Africa? 
