Meet me here where silence roars where stillness is dancing … ~ Adyashanti

sunset silence roars meet me here adyashanti

The underlying theme of this poem is “… Love and the call to live and move as Love embodied in form …” … and the “meeting” is all about living a life where we are indeed embodiments of Love … and Adyashanti is inviting us to this “meeting” …

Of course, such an embodiment offers the possibility – for all of us – to live a life of compassion, kindness, and harmony … where we consciously “… do not create, and/or add-to, ill-will … and be an ongoing source of harmlessness …”  despite the obstacles we may face in the form of “unconscious forces – tendencies” that sway us away from such a life.


Meet Me Here

Join me here Now
where there are no points of view.
Slip under good and bad
right and wrong
worthy and unworthy
sinner and saint.

Meet me here
where everything is unframed
before understanding
and not understanding.

Meet me here
where silence roars
where stillness is dancing
where the eternal is living and dying.

sunset stillness dancing meet me here adyashant

Meet me here
where you are not you
where you are It
and It is unspeakable.

Meet me here
where all points of view
merge into a single point
that then disappears.

Meet me here
before there ever was something
before there ever was nothing.

Meet me here
where everything speaks of this
where everything has
always spoken this
where nothing is ever lost or found.

Meet me here.

~ Adyashanti


This poem is from My Secret is Silence: Poetry and Sayings of Adyashanti, by Adyashanti … where the Introduction says “… Each chapter of this book highlights a theme that follows a general movement of the spiritual journey that begins with the spiritual search and culminates in the dance of true non-duality. Each poem is followed by sayings that serve to further illuminate its message …”

So, here’s Adyashanti’s sayings that “further illuminate” the poem’s message:

This is it right now!

You cannot think about reality
nor can you imagine it with images in your head.
When you are caught within a dream, the
only way to be free is to wake up from that dream.

Don’t look outside of change for the changeless.
Change is the changeless. If it did not change
you would not know that the changeless
is here at all.

Never oppose anything or anyone.
Instead, choose to express and manifest
what is true for you.

This poem is from the chapter The Shape of Love (again from the Introduction) where “… Adyashanti speaks about Love and the call to live and move as Love embodied in form:

Drink the wine of this Love
and your life will change.
Instead of being a gatherer
of the Divine Light
you will be its shine.

It will be the end of you
and the beginning.



For further information about Adyashanti’s background and his teachings, please visit our teacher page on him, which lets you find blog posts, video posts, articles, books, DVDs, and more … about, and from, him.

— —- —

May the contemplation of this poem help you be an embodiment of love … and …

May you be peaceful in your daily rhythm and interactions with others … and …

May you remain safe and healthy as you navigate these troubling times.


Opening quote, above Poem, and all italicized text is excerpted from My Secret is Silence: Poetry and Sayings of Adyashanti, by Adyashanti.
Quote re ill-will and harmlessness: a Zen paraphrased quote – source unknown.
Images: (edited and logo added): Featured and 1) View of beautiful sunset by Imaginechina-Tuchong, 2) Snapshot from the Frontline Responder’s Fund GoFundMe page, 3) Snapshot from the America’s Food Fund GoFundMe page, 4) Sunset by ikostudio. All purchased from depositphotos, for use only on our. All purchased from depositphotos, for use only on our website/social channels (these images are not permitted to be shared separate from this post).


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