In the first video clip, Peter Dziuban summarizes key points of his book “Consciousness is All,” his deep exploration into sensory perception, bodily sensations, feelings and thought, the entire spectrum of data we call body/mind and world. Through this quick inventory we discover the one element that never changes in our experience, referred to as Turyia in traditional vedanta.
The second video clip is about misidentification : how we mistakenly identify with those objects that we are aware of, instead of noticing that which we are. A very clear, concise review.
Click here to get your own copy of Peter Dziuban’s book, “Consciousness is All” or click here to get a copy of the DVD “Consciousness Is All – A Meeting with Peter Dziuban,” the conversation between Peter and Chris.
This is All that can Be Known ?
The Seer, Form~less ~ thus, Un~grasp~able~ness ?
Un~think~able ?
Yay ? and This Consciousness Present Here, Now simply IS All ?
Love ❤️