Many know that Jean Klein is regarded as one of the most eloquent communicators of non-duality to the West – in the second half of the 20th century.
The striking thing about Dr. Klein is his independence.
Jean teaches Advaita but he rarely uses its technical terms. In fact, he has developed his own vocabulary which consists mainly of the special use of words like ‘listening’, ‘transparency’, and so on. Nor does he refer back to the tradition for any kind of confirmation.
Jean occasionally gives a quotation from Gaudapada but nothing more. He does not mention other teachers (such as Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj, to name only two of the best known). His is not an approach which makes itself more persuasive by making connections of this kind.
Click here to read a free chapter from Jean’s book The Book of Listening.
Copy of Jean’s Book of Listening may be obtained by clicking here.
We thank Julian Noyce and Non-Duality Press for allowing StillnessSpeaks to represent “The Book of Listening.” We commend their efforts to publish and maintain the entire library of Jean Kein materials (previously out of print titles).