“To know Tao meditate and still the mind …” ~ Loy Ching-Yuen
To know Tao
and still the mind.
Knowledge comes with perseverance.
The Way is neither full nor empty;
a modest and quiet nature understands this.
The empty vessel, the uncarved block;
nothing is more mysterious.
When enlightenment arrives
don’t talk too much about it;
just live it in your own way.
With humility and depth, rewards come naturally.
The fragrance of blossoms soon passes;
the ripeness of fruit is gone in a twinkling.
Our time in this world is so short,
better to avoid regret:
Miss no opportunity to savor the ineffable.
Like a golden beacon signaling on a moonless night,
Tao guides our passage through this transitory realm.
In moments of darkness and pain
remember all is cyclical.
Sit quietly behind your wooden door:
Spring will come again.
~~ Loy Ching-Yuen
Loy Ching-Yuen was an accomplished Taoist master and a student of T’ai Chi Ch’uan and Chi Kung.
🌲🌷I just love these poems
by Loy Ching-Yuen !
The Book of The Heart,
that they are from, has uplifted & guided me many times.
Now to begin truly living my life to strengthen my powers.
Thank you for making them available !
🌲🌷 Love & Happiness,
~ Nell
I am instructed and refreshed by every poem.
Thanks for your kind words John!