
“The light shining from the heart
of one awakened being
illumines the whole world.
Could this be you?”
~ Mooji
Advaita zen master Mooji is unlike anyone else you are likely to meet, for he compels one to question one’s very nature and existence. From the very first encounter, people from all walks of life are deeply touched by his indefinable presence, and perhaps for the very first time experience a natural sense of happiness and peace as they come to discover who or what they truly are.
Mooji (Anthony Paul Moo-Young) was born in Jamaica on 29 January, 1954. As a teenager he moved to London, UK, where he later worked as a street portrait artist and then as an art teacher in the local college. In 1987, an encounter with a Christian mystic inspired Mooji to ‘walk out of his life’—an expression he uses to convey the profundity of that meeting. In 1993, Mooji travelled to India, where seemingly by chance, he met his Master, Sri HWL Poonja, or Papaji, as he is affectionately known by his devotees. At Papaji’s feet, whatever still remained of an active ego was finally uprooted.
Recognising Mooji’s radiance, people from various parts of the world soon began to approach him to simply sit in his presence and to ask questions regarding their search for Truth. The capacity to guide them arose spontaneously in him. While Mooji’s presence exudes compassion and devotion, his unity with Truth is also potently shared through self-inquiry—the unsparing light of wisdom which dispels the delusions and suffering common to human experiencing.
In his direct and open interactions, each one who meets Mooji with a genuine urge for freedom is pulled by his profound unconditional love and the power of his pointings into the recognition of the infinite Self we already are. Mooji presently resides at Monte Sahaja in Portugal and he continues to share Satsang worldwide with all who yearn to discover their true nature.
“Blessed is the one whose life is the evidence of Truth.
Don’t wait for someone else to prove this for you.
You be the proof of it.
The Truth is as equal in you,
as it is in Christ or the Buddha.
You are not made of lesser material.
You are not God’s afterthought.
But you must use your power to awaken.
Don’t fall asleep in the land of the blind.
You must wake up!
And Satsang is the waking room.”
~ Mooji
Mooji has one of the best online presences, that provides easy access to all of his content (audio, video, online retreats, and live satsangs) from one place:, which invites one to enter “… with the inner sense of visiting an ashram, open to the timeless, distanceless and ever-present truth. Here you will find a large and growing searchable collection of the audio and video recordings of Satsang with Mooji. You can join all the live satsang broadcasts such as Sunday Satsang and the Online Retreats, where you can sit in real time with Mooji at home. Mooji TV also offers a new video subscription channel of spontaneous talks called Sahaja Express …”
For further details about his teachings, visit his website or his YouTube Channel or his Vimeo channel. He also has an extensive videos library on his website.
And there is a UK based charity, Mooji Foundation which supports “… all the necessary aspects involved in making Satsang with Mooji available world-wide …”
Finally, you can enjoy more Mooji videos in our library – more such videos will be added over time.
A Simple and Profound Introduction to Self-Inquiry by Sri Mooji
Images: Mooji’s image on this page, the teachers page, and featured images are graciously provided by Mooji Media Ltd. and being used with their permission.
Adyashanti, Gangaji, Greg Goode, Pamela Wilson, Robert Adams