Review: What interested you the most from our 2019 content?
In this post we step back and look at our 2019 “digital space” to highlight your top content interests (e.g., teachers, posts, and videos) PLUS how you “consumed” such content, i.e., newsletter signups, website visits, and which devices (mobile, desktop, or tablet) were used to access such content.
So, we share which teacher pages were visited the most … and the top viewed posts … and then the “access & consume” data which includes …. newsletter (how many subscribed to the newsletter in 2019 and since launch), YouTube (number of views in 2019 and since launch plus how many subscribed in 2019 & total as of Dec 31st), website (how many users visited the website in 2019 and since launch plus number of pageviews of the website in 2019 and since launch), and the % use distribution over devices (mobile, desktop, and tablet).
Content: Top Viewed Teacher Pages
1. Papaji
2. AK Menon
3. Francis Lucille
4. Jean Klein
5. Ramana Maharshi
6. Robert Adams
7. Nisargadatta Maharaj
8. Paul Hedderman
9. Rupert Spira
10. Rumi
and the next fifteen were 11. Eckhart Tolle, 12. Wei Wu Wei, 13. Mooji, 14. Gangaji, 15. Greg Goode, 16, Steven Harrison, 17. Adyashanti, 18. Ellen Emmet, 19. Pamela Wilson, and 20. Swami Lakshmanjoo, 21. Alan Watts, 22. Henry Shukman, 23. A H Almaas, 24. LLewellyn Vaughan-Lee, 25. Jeff Foster
Content: Top Viewed Posts
1. C. G. Jung: The Red Book
2. Robert Adams: All is Well
3. Rumi’s Magnificent Gift: Who am I?
4. The Dream That Must Be Interpreted – Rumi
5. Hakim Sanai: The Walled Garden of Truth
6. What is Truth: The Gospel of Thomas
7. In Silence – Rumi
8. Danna Faulds: Experience This Moment As It Is…
9. So Close … Closer Than Breath – Amidon
10. Rumi: Chinese Art And Greek Art
and the next ten (+1) were …
11. Joan Tollifson: What is True Meditation?
12. What is Reality? Rupert Spira (Part 3 of 3)
13. Jnani: The Silent Sage of Arunachala – Ramana Maharshi
14. Thich Nhat Hanh: Be One With The Leaf …
15. Henry Shukman: Awakening in Zen
16, Right Way to Live – Francis Lucille
17. Seeds of Awakening – Peter Russell
18. Nirmala: What Is This Moment’s Treasure?
19. The Nature of Consciousness and its Relationship to Matter
20. Navigating Feelings of Lack & Emptiness Within
21. Ramana Maharshi: Who Am I?
How You Accessed & “Consumed” Our Content
Two for you to check out….
Gary Crowley
Althar – five brief but powerful books, plus two ‘Intense” books plus two Wolffram books.
Also, you’ve probably dabbled in Jed McKenna. His Jed Talks 3 has a marvelous chapter on freedom- to a lady asking if he was free –
“i f you’re in a bodymind, on a planet, you’ve got some constrictions” (then elaborates). Wolffram shows it to be a matter of perspective- True Self IS free, but ASPECTS of it – i e hormones presuming separation – are not (his work is about attaining more and more to the True Self) (Spira’s light of pure knowing).
I wouldn’t go to the trouble of tapping this out on a tablet if I hadn’t found this to be clear concise, and, ta-da- effective. (Though Wolffram could benefit from editing – he’s Portugese.)
Please check’m out!!! And, thanks for your work!!!
Two for you to check out….
Gary Crowley- two books
Althar – five brief but powerful books, plus two ‘Intense” books plus two Wolffram books.
Also, you’ve probably dabbled in Jed McKenna. His Jed Talks 3 has a marvelous chapter on freedom- to a lady asking if he was free –
“i f you’re in a body-mind, on a planet, you’ve got some constrictions” (then elaborates). Wolffram shows it to be a matter of perspective- True Self IS free, but ASPECTS of it – i e egos presuming separation – are not (his work is about attuning more and more to the True Self) (Spira’s light of pure knowing).
I wouldn’t go to the trouble of tapping this out on a tablet if I hadn’t found this stuff to be clear, concise, and, ta-da- effective. (Though Wolffram could benefit from editing – he’s Portugese.)
Please check’m out!!! And, thanks for your work!!!
Word “hormones” was out in by auto edit, also put in a training for attuning.
Still no Tony Parsons. Fortunately I live in London and see him every month, as does over 100 others.
Happy New year.
Dear David,
Thanks for stopping by.
Tony is in our “Upcoming Teachers & Traditions” list that continues to grow 🙂 … he’s one of the teachers to be migrated from the old website to this new one .. here’s this “upcoming” list – it’s the section below the donate form.
Each teacher page addition is significant work and due to limited resources, it has been slowed down but will happen sometime in the future .. and any such additions will be highlighted in the newsletter at that time.
Wishing you all the best in the year(s) ahead.
I am very versatile in my interest and this is why Stillness Speaks’ actual format suits my curiosity. For instance I chanced to discover Paul Hedderman through your channel and so chanced to appreciate his unique expressivity and creativity. Yours is the only site I know dedicated to presenting so many diverse expressions, some traditional some new to the scene, all pointing in the one direction.
Dear Thierry,
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.
Indeed Paul is quite unique – our DVD of him conversing with Chris is one of the most popular videos (sold out back in 2017).
Very much appreciate your compliments – they affirm our objective, which is to offer as many “paths and teachers” as possible and let the reader/visitor decide what/who to follow. It’s such a personal journey and everyone has different inclinations or draws – and that’s what we want to support. Reminds me of a Sufi saying ” There are as many paths to the Divine as there are beings in the Universe.” A simple yet profound truth!
Wishing you all the best in the year(s) ahead.