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Passion For God? The Rumi Collection: Harvey & Helminski

silence ramana

“… The radiance of consciousness-bliss, in the form of one awareness shining equally within and without, is the supreme and blissful primal reality. Its form is silence …” ~ Ramana Maharshi

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Unveiling The Rumi Collection: Why Give Thanks? Kabir Helminski

rumi collection rose opened helminski

“… In Rumi, the full rose of the human divine opened … He gave a sign to us all forever of what is possible in a life surrendered wholly to the light …” ~ Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch

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Sound of Every Element? Hazrat Inayat On Sound & Music Mysticism

sound: life in silence inayat khan sun temple

“… Sound is the sign of life; in the temples of gods and goddesses, in Hindu churches, bells ringing show life even in the silence …” ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Talking vs Gift Of Silence? Kahlil Gibran The Prophet & Ramana Maharshi

talking vs silence rumi south sister broken top

“… A walnut kernel shaken against its shell makes a delicate sound, but the walnut taste and the sweet oil inside makes unstruck music. Mystics call the shell rattling talk; the other, the taste of silence …” ~ Rumi

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Awe & Wonder …

awe heschel

“… Awe is a sense of transcendence, for the reference everywhere to mystery … It enables us … to feel in the rush of the passing the stillness of the eternal …”  ~ Abraham Heschel

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How Do We Become The Unifying Solution? Rumi & Kabir Helminski

voluntary simplicity stone on sand helminski

“… voluntary simplicity is the best road to health, happiness, justice, and humanity’s survival …” ~ Kabir Helminski

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Value Of Silent Life? Hazrat Inayat On Sound & Music Mysticism

silent life lake tahoe god silence hazrat inayat khan

“… God is not in time … He is in the silence …” ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Oneness: Self-Interest to Benefit of All? Mysterion, Rumi & Kabir Helminski

oneness universe rumi helminski

“… Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize … their oneness, with the universe … that at the center of the Universe dwells Wakan-Tanka (the Great Spirit), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” ~ Black Elk

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Lover & Love a la Rumi – Kabir Helminski

lover ocean sunrise rumi helminski

“… God is pleased when your love realizes it is part of something oceanic and begins to move with the whole …” ~ Rumi

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It Is I … Yunus Emre

it is i emre grand canyon

“… I am the infinite, the eternal … I am the gardener who sculpts the land … It is not Yunus saying all this. The One is speaking with my lips …” ~ Yunus Emre

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Circles & God’s Classroom – Hafiz by Ladinsky

circles sunset god yes luminous movement hafiz

“God has shouted ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ To every luminous movement in Existence.”  ~ Hafiz

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Silence Poems …

silence finley

There is nothing as certain as silence, stillness, and solitude to introduce you to the divinity within …”  ~ Guy Finley

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Self-Knowledge: Kahlil Gibran

self knowledge sunset mountains awareness silence ramana gibran

“… The radiance of consciousness-bliss, in the form of one awareness shining equally within and without … Its form is silence …”  ~ Ramana Maharshi

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Beloved Everywhere – Hafiz by Ladinsky

beloved everywhere beautiful architecture hafiz ladinsky

“… the more deeply {Hafiz} sees, the more astonished he is to find his Beloved everywhere. He discovers that the essence of life is the expression of beauty—it is Poetry …” ~ Daniel Ladinsky

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Silence: The Gifts Therein … Thomas Merton

silence merton

“… God is present, and His thought is alive and awake in the fullness and depth and breadth of all the silences of the world … (Jeremias 1:11)” ~ Thomas Merton

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The Way: Sufi Tao – Elias Amidon

the way this moment amidon seascape

“The way we follow … flows everywhere without moving, never straying from this moment.” ~ Elias Amidon

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Being Oneself: The Sanctuary Within – Rumi

being oneself sanctuary rumi

Being Oneself: “… Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you …” ~ Rumi

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Root Of The Root Of Your Own Soul

sunset maldives root of your own soul rumi

“… You were born from the rays of God’s Majesty … return to the root of the root of your own soul …” ~ Rumi

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This … is Not Mind or Buddha … This We Have Now

This sunset shukman

“… We already are it. It is every moment, just as it is …” ~ Henry Shukman

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Tao Te Ching: A Glimpse … via Jonathan Star

tao te ching sit quietly tzu sunrise matterhorn

“… {Man}He was made to sit quietly and find the truth within …” ~ Lao Tzu

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Community … and Keep Going …


The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety ~ Felix Mendelssohn

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Love Religion: Sufism, Rumi & Ibn Arabi

sunrise love religion star

“… There is a place where words are born of silence, A place where the whispers of the heart arise …” ~ Jonathan Star

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Soul’s Love Affair – A.H. Almaas

soul love almaas

“… Love is a fundamental ingredient that the soul needs for its survival and development …” ~ A. H. Almaas

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The Taste of Silence … by Rumi … & Jung

silence rumi coleman barks

“… Rumi says silence brings a chance to taste the core of our being, to go deeper and experience the oil of the walnut rather than its rattling noise on the shell wall …” ~ Coleman Barks

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The Other Side of Death – Amidon

immutable light true nature amidon

“… As Ramana Maharshi testifies, we don’t have to wait until death to recognize the Immutable Light that is our original nature …” ~ Elias Amidon

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Continued Gratitude & Usual Wednesday Post Delayed …

god sun bawa muhaiyaddeen

“… Everything you see tells the story of God. Look at it. God is out spread, filling the entire universe. So look. You exist in a form. God is without form. You are the visible example, the sun. God is the light within the sun.” ~ Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

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Seven Advices – Humanity’s Highest Sentiment: Rumi

sunrise compassion sun seven advices rumi

“… In compassion and grace: be like the sun …” ~ Rumi

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The Hidden Treasure Is In Me – Kaygusuz Abdal

space hidden treasure abdal

“… I am the infinite and the eternal. The hidden treasure is in me …” ~ Kaygusuz Abdal

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Joy and Silence – Hafiz by Ladinsky

joy sunset hafiz

“… I am happy even before I have a reason … ~ Hafiz

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Unfolding Your Own Myth & Ibrahim’s Epiphany – Rumi

phantasy landscape mystical journey rumi

“… Chase a deer and end up everywhere! … It’s all a mystical journey to the Friend …” ~ Rumi

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Your Top Interests of 2019 & More …

What interested you the most in 2019 … and how you accessed and consumed it …

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Ocean Love: The Larger Love – Rumi

sunset shore ocean love rumi

“God is pleased when your love realizes it is part of something oceanic and begins to move with the whole …” ~ Rumi

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Awake Awhile – Hafiz by Ladinsky

sunrise mt fitzroy waking up hafiz

“… What is this precious love and laughter budding in our hearts? It is the glorious sound of a soul waking up! … ~ Hafiz

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Laughing … Fresh as the Dawn – Rumi

sunrise laughing dawn rumi

“… You laugh fresh as the dawn where did you spend last night? …” ~ Rumi

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Asik Veysel: There You Are … Divine is Everywhere

god everywhere veysel sunset

“… The supreme vision of Sufism is to see God everywhere, to view every part of creation as a reflection of God’s glory …” ~ Jonathan Star

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Rumi: This is the Miracle …

dawn colors 1 rumi self

“… If the Sun did not run across the sky the world would not see the colors of morning …” ~ Rumi

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So Close … Closer Than Breath – Amidon

awareness amidon sunrise stillness

“It’s so close you can’t see it. It’s so profound you can’t fathom it. It’s so simple you can’t believe it. It’s so good you can’t accept it.” What is it?

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Aksarayi Seyh Ibrahim Efendi: The Sufi Way

fire heart inflamed with beloved sufi way

“… They say it is to burn up in Love’s fire — The Sufi way is to be utterly inflamed with the light of the Beloved …” ~ Aksarayi Şeyh İbrahim Efendi (Dervish of Turkey)

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Rumi: When Friends Meet: The Most Alive Moment

sunrise rumi beauty friendship soul

… Any form of beauty or wisdom or celebration that puts one back in friendship with the soul is where the opposites find rest. “How can I be separated and yet in union?” …” ~ Coleman Barks

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The Absolute Unknowable Appears as Spring: Rumi

rumi unknowable as spring

“The absolute unknowable appears as spring …” ~ Rumi

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Soul, Heart, & Body One Morning – Rumi

dawn rumi presence

There’s a morning when presence comes over your soul …” ~ Rumi

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In Silence – Rumi

rumi guide silence

“A guide has entered this life in silence. His message is only heard in silence …” ~ Rumi

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The Dream That Must Be Interpreted – Rumi

rumi dreams reality

“This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real …” ~ Rumi

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Bodhi … Arriving at Eternal Love …


“When I die … I’m not leaving, I’m arriving at eternal love …”   ~ Rumi

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Soul Joy & Waking Up Happy – Rumi

soul joy dawn veil god rumi

“No one knows what makes the soul wake up so happy …”  ~ Rumi Ponder this gem from Rumi – a Coleman Barks translation.

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Rumi: No Light Like Yours

this moment

There is no light like yours … ~ Rumi Read & reflect on this gem from Rumi, a Coleman Barks translation.

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Rumi: Song to My Soul

Friend, love, contentment

Don’t be content with worldly promises for I am the tabernacle of your contentment.  ~ Rumi

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Rumi: Crazy Lover

Let the lover be. ~ Rumi

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Rumi: The Oldest Thing There is

… your light can fill the ocean where I live.  ~ Rumi

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Rumi: Talking through the Door


“Where can you live safely?….in surrender.”  ~ Rumi

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Rumi: Quest

wonder, spiritual

“The spiritual seeker surrenders to wonder.”  ~ Rumi

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Rumi: Mirror

Inside You, Mirror

You are….a mirror to the power that created the universe.  ~ Rumi

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Rumi: Quietness

“Walk out like someone suddenly born into color.”  ~ Rumi

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Rumi: Become Nothing

rumi, Becoming, radiance, nothing

Become Nothing … And He’ll turn you into everything!  ~ Rumi

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Rumi on Thankfulness: The Soul of Beneficence

thankfulness where beloved lives

Thankfulness is the soul of beneficence … … Enjoy Rumi’s wisdom … includes downloadable content.

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita, a 5-part Series

Turning Whirling Dervishes

“… So the divine level is the one mind, the one consciousness, which is also the same thing as who you are …” ~ Philip Jacobs This Overview introduces a 5-part interview between Paula Marvelly and Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, discussing Advaita, Sufism and the tu …

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Rumi: Like This

stars, milky way, night

When someone mentions the gracefulness of the nightsky, climb up on the roof and dance and say,                                        Like this. If anyone wants to know what “spirit” is, or what “God’s fragrance” means, lean your head toward him or her. Keep your face there close.                   …

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Rumi: Gnats Speaking with Solomon

sun rays

“O Solomon, you are the champion of the oppressed. You give justice to the little guys, and they don’t get any littler than us! We are tiny metaphors for frailty. Can you defend us?” Continue reading to enjoy Rumi’s full poem …

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Rumi: Discernment and Surrender


You said, “Who’s at the door?” I said. “Your slave.” You said, “What do you want?” I said. “To see you and bow.” … “You said, “Who did you come with?” “The majestic imagination you gave me.” … Enjoy Rumi’s entire poem “Talk through the door” …

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Shams of Tabriz: Love & The Soul of Fire

love fire

“Love is the water of life. And a lover is a soul of fire! The universe turns differently when fire loves water.” ~ Shams of Tabriz Enjoy the full poem on love by Shams-e-Tabriz, the man totally “annihilated in God,” who was instrumental in bringing us the gift of Rumi!

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Rumi: Trusting The Universe – Fear or Blessing?

becoming who I am

Invariably or maybe inevitably, themes, or principles, like “Trust the universe” … or … “let go” … or … “allow it to happen” … are encountered in the journey of self discovery, the journey where discovering one’s True Nature is the primary yearning … the exquisite, endless, paradoxical j …

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Rumi: The Moment …

the moment renewal

… This world is a moment, a pouring that refreshes and renews itself … … Happy New Year dear Stillness Speaks community … May this year be filled with continuous sparks of joy, peace and contentment ! Enjoy the above full Rumi poem and more …

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Rumi: The Path of Love

“In Rumi’s poetry, love is the soul of the universe, and the soul knows no bounds … it embraces all people, all countries, and all religions … The goal of Sufism is to know love in all of its glorious forms : and every prophet, every practice, and every form of worship that leads toward love is, i …

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Rumi: Chinese Art And Greek Art

rumi: greek art

“… Art gives a teasing taste of surrender without the full experience. Beautiful poetry can keep one on the verge of the oceanic annihilation in God. Rumi says, we’ve been walking in the surf holding our robes up, when we should be diving naked under, and deeper under.”  That is part of Coleman Ba …

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Rumi: Community Of The Spirit

Rumi Community Spirit

There is a community of the spirit. Join it, and feel the delight of walking in the noisy street and being the noise. …  Enjoy Rumi’s full poem by clicking read more below … Also, visit  Poetry and Consciousness for more …

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 5 of 5)

becoming transparent

“… So the divine level is the one mind, the one consciousness, which is also the same thing as who you are …” ~ Philip Jacobs In the concluding Part 5 of this series, Paula Marvelly and Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, continue their conversation on Advaita, Sufi …

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Rumi: The Laziest Son …


Rumi uses many real life situations (stories) to convey deeper wisdom … here’s an entertaining story about “laziness” … that opens with: As a man is dying he tells the town judge to give all his inheritance to only one of his three sons – the one who is the laziest! …   There is a fascinating …

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 4 of 5)

hero's journey

“… you are already the one consciousness, you already are the unified state but you have to go off and say ‘yes’ to the great adventure of life … you have to leave who you think you are, and via a strange route, you come back and rediscover that principle of unity in a much fuller way.” ~ Philip Jac …

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 3 of 5)

Universe in eye

If you are observant, what you will see that when you are five years old and when you are fifty-five years old, although your physical body, subtle body and psyche go through many changes, there’s something which is looking out through your eyes that witnesses all these changes, and this thing never …

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 2 of 5)

whirling dervishes

In Part 2 of this series, Paula Marvelly and Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, continue their conversation on Advaita, Sufism and the turning ceremony of the whirling dervishes … this part largely focuses on the “turning ceremony” with some comments on Advaita and Suf …

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Rumi: Love

Colors of World Zion

Rumi on …. what love can make or do. Enjoy !

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Sacred Whirling, Sufism & Advaita (Part 1 of 5)

Whirling Dervishes

Paula Marvelly converses with Philip Jacobs, resident Sheikh of the London-based Study Society, about Advaita, Sufism and the turning ceremony of the whirling dervishes, particularly about the way in which sacred dance can be a direct means for accessing, and becoming one with, the Divine. Paula is …

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Rumi’s Life Story: Genesis of His Poetry (Part 1)

Rumi Shams

Rumi’s story of “becoming Rumi” … from being recognized, in his youth, as a “great spirit” by Attar … to him being sought out by the great wandering mystic Shams-e-Tabriz (or Shams) …

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A Mine of Rubies – Rumi

mine of rubies

I looked inward … And the beauty of my own emptiness … filled me till dawn. It enveloped me like a mine of rubies … Its hue clothed me in red silk ~ Rumi …. As translated by Jonathan Star

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Majesty: Presence That Abides – Rumi

… “Majesty is that, composite attention felt as a presence, dawn, a company of friends, a splendor that is prior to, and the source of, the universe. Rumi says it is a state of awareness best spoken of in terms of what it is not …” ~ Coleman Barks Here’s Rumi on Majesty … reminding us of This that …

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Awareness Comes As An Unexpected Visitor – Rumi

Rumi’s very popular poem (The Guest House) about … “momentary awareness” and meeting all of its various manifestations as “unexpected visitors” …our “guides from beyond !” … A profound and exquisite translation by Coleman Barks.

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Love Dervishes – Rumi

It takes the courage of inner majesty to stand in this doorway, where there’s no celebrating good fortune, where talk of luck is embarrassing. However your robe of patches fits is right. … Don’t pretend something other than truth. Measuring devices don’t work in this room where the love dervishes me …

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Rumi’s Poetry and Sufism …

“… Why look for God ? …. Look for the one looking for God … but then Why look at all ? … He is not lost … He is right here … Closer than your own breath!” ~Rumi “… The supreme vision of Sufism is to see God everywhere, to view every part of creation as a reflection of God’s glory. The …

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Hakim Sanai: The Walled Garden of Truth

Rumi acknowledged Hakim Sanai and Attar as his two primary inspirations, saying, “Attar is the soul and Sanai its two eyes, I came after Sanai and Attar.” Sanai wrote an enormous quantity of mystical verse, of which From The Walled Garden of Truth or The Hadiqat al Haqiqa is his master work and the …

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Rumi’s Magnificent Gift: Who am I?

lake foggy rumi who am i

I am not of this world, nor of the next, nor of Paradise, nor of Hell; I am not of Adam, nor of Eve, nor of Eden and Rizwãn. My place is the Placeless, my trace is the Traceless; ‘Tis neither body nor soul, for I belong to the soul of the Beloved. ~ Rumi

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