Separateness Illusion: Why We Can’t See It? Power & Gift Zen Tao
“… it is the very illusion of self that hides the Tao …” ~ Trevor Rufli
Silence, Stillness: What All Sages & Saints Agree On? Guy Finley
“… On this one point all saints, sages, and illumined beings agree: There is nothing as certain as silence, stillness, and solitude to introduce you to the divinity within …” ~ Guy Finley
Living Truth Q&A Jean Klein: Is It Will Or Natural Giving Up?
“… The ultimate is always in the background. Then, to awaken yourself in this silent oneness is a spontaneous event … your real nature is timeless …” ~ Jean Klein
What Is Yin Mountain Daoist Immortal Poetry? Levitt & Rebecca Nie
The Valley Spirit never dies.
It is called the Mysterious Female.
The gateway of this Mysterious Female
is the source of heaven and earth.
~ Dao De Jing
Sound of Every Element? Hazrat Inayat On Sound & Music Mysticism
“… Sound is the sign of life; in the temples of gods and goddesses, in Hindu churches, bells ringing show life even in the silence …” ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan
Talking vs Gift Of Silence? Kahlil Gibran The Prophet & Ramana Maharshi
“… A walnut kernel shaken against its shell makes a delicate sound, but the walnut taste and the sweet oil inside makes unstruck music. Mystics call the shell rattling talk; the other, the taste of silence …” ~ Rumi
Can We Get It Wrong? Pathless Path Through Suffering Joan Tollifson
“… Presence is where juice is, in the aliveness of this one bottomless moment … the {pathless} path {through suffering} is not moving away from this moment …” ~ Joan Tollifson
Jean Klein: Can We Extend Glimpses Of Reality? Q&A Living Truth
“… I hear your question in my stillness and the answer comes out of stillness … All that is, all that you are, is in this stillness …” ~ Jean Klein
Awe & Wonder …
“… Awe is a sense of transcendence, for the reference everywhere to mystery … It enables us … to feel in the rush of the passing the stillness of the eternal …” ~ Abraham Heschel
Wonderment Despite Climate Crisis? Susan Bauer-Wu Future We Can Love
“… With a different kind of attention —curious, trusting, open, and loving— we can find the wonders of right where we are …” ~ Susan Bauer-Wu
Are Inner Peace & External Activism Interconnected? Elias Amidon Notes Open Path
“… We can’t find it out there because it’s right here in the intimacy of now …” ~ Elias Amidon
3 Wondrous Answers: Miracle of Mindful Presence Thich Nhat Hanh
“… In mindfulness one is not only restful and happy, but alert and awake. Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality …” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
How Do We Become The Unifying Solution? Rumi & Kabir Helminski
“… voluntary simplicity is the best road to health, happiness, justice, and humanity’s survival …” ~ Kabir Helminski
Tao Te Ching: What is Hidden Yet Shines In Every Corner? Jonathan Star
“… So deep, so pure, so still …” ~ Lao Tzu
Value Of Silent Life? Hazrat Inayat On Sound & Music Mysticism
“… God is not in time … He is in the silence …” ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan
How Free Are We? Talks On Nonduality Joan Tollifson
“… The universe is not bound by its content, because its potentialities are infinite ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
What Is The Longing For Divine Love? Almaas Nondual Love
“… The greatest romance is with the Infinite … When you suddenly find God everywhere … the romance of divine love has begun …” ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
Alan Watts Talking Zen: What Are The Taoist Ways & Its 3 Keys?
” … The philosophy of Tao sees humanity as a part of nature rather than dominating it …” ~ Alan Watts
Kabir: Why Catch The Supreme Moment? Andrew Harvey Engoldenment
“… the one moment that changes everything. That lasts forever. When He shows His face and you see your own … “ ~ Kabir
Oneness: Self-Interest to Benefit of All? Mysterion, Rumi & Kabir Helminski
“… Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize … their oneness, with the universe … that at the center of the Universe dwells Wakan-Tanka (the Great Spirit), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” ~ Black Elk
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- Moksha (liberation) in Kashmir Shaivism
- Money And Spirituality
- Mystical Poems by Susan Kahn
- Nan Yar? ( Who Am I?)
- Natural Perfection
- Nondualism in Western Philosophy
- Notes on Spiritual Discourses
- Open Awareness
- Parmenides’ On Reality
- Polishing The Crystal Of Your Uniqueness
- Praying for the Earth
- Preface to A New Map of Reality: the Worldview of 21st CenturyScience
- Prior to Consciousness
- Realizing the unreal: Dharmakı ̄rti’s theory of yogic perception, by John D Dunne
- Reasons for Retranslating the Heart Sutra
- Rediscovering the Timeless Wisdom
- Reflections on Receiving Jukai
- Richard Sylvester: Non-Duality Questions, Non-Duality Answers
- Seven Contemplations on Awakening
- Shobogenzo: The Treasure House of the Eye of the True Teaching
- Silence: Moral Ambiguity and Faith, Richard Rohr
- Some Teachings from Sri Atmananda (Krishna Menon)
- Spiritual Work and Psychotherapy, A.H. Almaas
- Tantrasara
- The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success
- The Altruist – Mind & Life Spring 2014
- The Anomaly of Consciousness
- The Art of Cleaning
- The Awakening Journey
- The Awakening West: Interview with Robert Rabbin
- The Book of Listening – Excerpt
- The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
- The Call of the Earth
- The Circle of the Way
- The Complete I AM Quotes of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
- The Consciousness Revolution: New Perspectives in Psychiatry, Psychology, and Psychotherapy
- The Diamond Approach, A. H. Almaas
- The discipline of disappearance
- The Four Keys to Well-Being
- The Fourth Precept: Deep Listening and Loving Speech
- The heart of the world – Wolter Keers
- The Impersonal Life
- The Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore
- The Keys to Ultimate Freedom
- The Magic of Creation: The Sufi’s Way
- The New Feminine Frequency in Awakening
- The Nisargadatta Gita
- The Old Woman’s Rice Cakes
- The Rabbit In The Hat – Wolter Keers
- The Six Emotional Styles
- The Ten Thousand Things: Awakening and Behavior
- The Ten Thousand Things: Awakening Never Ends
- The Ten Thousand Things: Freedom to Be
- The Transparency of Things – Excerpt
- The Unborn Nisargadatta
- The Way of Liberation, Adyashanti
- The Work of Byron Katie
- Thoughtless Buddha, Passionate Buddha, by John D Dunne
- Transgression, Richard Rohr
- Utterly One
- Waking Up
- What is Mindfulness?
- Words of Grace
- Yoga means connection – Jean Klein
- You are YOU
- You Can Change Your Brain
- Your Guide to Healthy Eating